FOURTEEN: Understanding things

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Maybe it's because my words are just a waste of time. Or maybe it's because I'm the waste...
Whatever it is, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of not being heard. I'm tired of being ignored and used by everyone I know. Hell, even my own family has used me to get their own way. It's just not fair...

Heh, you know what's funny? A minute ago I said that I was actually happy with life. Now I'm back inside the dumps. A smile crept to my face. I started having a psychotic breakdown.

Tears flooded my eyes. Everything was now a blur. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know where I belong. This life... it's so damn hard. I hate it, I hate it! My frail body is shaking. My bones feel weak.
I can feel their stares burning into my back. It made me cry even more. I can't help it; I'm ashamed of being myself.

Bendy sighed irritably, "Look, I know you're not your father and it wasn't your fault that he left.. but you were the one who decided to come to the studio; That's your fault." He lowered down to my level. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything... Damnit! Why am I such a failure!?

"You've got to admit, toots. No one here deserves to live.. They've all already played their part in this cruel world of ours, so now I'll end their suffering that Joey put us all through.." He placed his hand on my back. I quickly slapped him away, "I DON'T CARE!!!!"
That seemed to anger him, but he kept his cool, "(Y/n), you don't understand things, do you...?"
I fake a smile, the tears fell from my eyes, "Oh I understand perfectly, ink demon..." He frowned, trying not to let my words get through his skin. But it did. His body language always told me everything.. Ink fell off of him, especially from his face. His fists clenched then unclenched. I smiled insanely, "In fact, I'm starting to understand things around here.."

I stood up. He did as well, "(Y/n)..." He tried to touch me again. I pushed him away, then ran away blindly. I didn't know what I was doing. I just needed to get away. I needed to cool off.

Soon enough, I heard Bendy behind me, "(Y/n) wait!!" I heard him call.
I ignored him.
I didn't want to deal with his bullshit. My thoughts went drifted back to two weeks ago. When we were at peace, and I was in a really good mood. Those feelings I felt then. I want to feel them again.

I didn't realize that I stopped until Bendy grabbed me. I struggled in his grip, but he was too strong. Eventually, I stopped. There was no point anymore..
Bendy turned me toward his gaze. He caressed my cheek. At first, I was going to push him away. Then, I stopped myself. I realized how close we were. I was on his lap. Surprisingly, he wasn't cold. Which was weird to me. Can ink be warm?

"(Y/n)..." He stopped in mid sentence, picking me up and hiding behind a wall. He covered my mouth, so that way I couldn't speak.
I tried to bite his hand off. That seemed to irritate him, because he gently slapped my mouth to make me stop.

I was about to try again, when I heard his voice, "Alright Buddy... maybe you should lead the the way.."


Mika went up to Bendy, "Did you see him?" She said quietly, but excited as well. Bendy nodded, slowly letting go of me.
That was my chance. I had to confront my brother...

Without thinking, I ran in front of Jake. I could hear Bendy and Mika trying to stop me, but I didn't listen.

It was indeed Jake. When he saw me, he jumped, "(Y/n)? I-is that really you?.."
I looked at him coldly, "Why are you here?"
"I came to look for you, of course." He smiled softly, "I was wondering where you went.."

My gaze softened. He actually,, cared.

Mika surprised attacked them. Her cat like claws out. She cackled insanely, pouncing onto my brother. Blood splattered everywhere. My brothers blood.
"NO!!!" I cried. Bendy bursted into laughter. Insane laughter.
Chills went through me. Never have I ever heard Bendy sound so crazy... Bendy yanked Jake out of Mika's grasp, throwing him toward the wall.

Jake looked up at him with fear in his green eyes, "..the ink demon..." He whispered. It was barely heard though..
Bendy's neck snapped, his claws inches away from the young man.
He chuckled demonicly, "Well well well, what do we have here? Henry's firstborn! Ah, such an honor, Jake.."
My brother glared at him, "H-how do you know my name?"
"Your sister, of course."

My heart broke in two small pieces. Jake's face of being betrayed. I hated it.
It's funny, just when I feel like I've found my place in this world, something has to go wrong, and drag everything downhill.

"(Y/n)... she would never-" He paused, "R-right?"
Bendy tsked. He seemed to enjoy this. That pissed me off, "Ah, but she would. Such a shame..."
My heart broke even more when I saw his face of hate. He hated me now... Tears swelled up my eyes. Why does this world have to hate me?!
Without thinking, I scrambled up, tears pooling in my eyes, blurring my vision. I quickly stumbled off to who knows where. I just had to get away from everything...

I can hear them shouting behind me, but at the same time, I didn't. My heart pounded like a bunch of bullets. The pain in my body started feeling numb. Now, I felt dizzy. I felt as if I was going to throw up. I had to stop and sit down real quick. That gave me enough time to think about all that has happened, and how I could maybe make things right.
The main thing that started this was my overdramatic ass figuring out Bendy's plans. And now, my brother is here and he hates me just because Bendy told him a bunch of bullshit.

My heart sank in my chest when I realized I was alone. Normally, I would love this, but today.... it's different. All I want to do is cuddle up in a bunch of blankets, eat icecream with Nightfall, and watch some t.v. Like the old times!
Silence. It was oh so overwhelming.
Tears formed in my eyes once again. I held them back best I could.

I can't take this anymore! It's a pain living, so why should I live? I should just kill myself, before anyone else attempts to kill me. I'm going to die here anyway. Might as well take away the suffering right now.
I blindly stood up, walking. I don't even know where, but somewhere where I can fix this mess.
My thoughts went back to Bendy, two weeks ago. He was so kind... and happy. I bet I can make him actually smile again.. I miss him.. But it hasn't been even an hour of us apart. If he's going to end this whole thing, I at least want to be beside him than be alone again....

What the hell am I even doing?!?! I couldn't go kill myself. I still have Mika and Bendy, even if they're evil, or insane. They still cared for me, unlike anyone else. They were my friends....

I looked around to see where I was at. It wasn't a place I recognized, but I assumed that I was close to Bendy's place because of all the ink scattered around. I noticed a while back ago that the more ink puddles, the closer you were to Bendy's throne room.
I walked around staring out in awe.
There, right in front of me, was a huge ink river going to who knows where.. I walked up to it, not realizing the voices trying to stop me until it was too late.
"(Y/n), wait!"

I perked up. As I did, the floorboards beneath me fell as I went deep into the depths of the ink river.

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu