Chapter 10

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When Varian returned in the new set of clothes, you looked him over, thinking about how well his disguise will pass. You crossed one arm over your chest, resting the elbow of your other arm against it, and wrapped a finger around your chin (sorry if that was confusing). You walked over to Varian's bag, which lay partially open in the corner of the room. You pointed to the first thing you saw, a light-yellow liquid inside of a glass sphere, with a cork in the top, and asked Varian what it was.

"That's a substance of my own design, it creates a chemical reaction that causes whatever it touches to turn into a different color." You carefully grabbed the orb (glass thing), and turned towards Varian, smirking slightly. "What?" he asked, when he saw the way you were looking at him. You grabbed his wrist and led him to the back of the store, pausing in front of the door into the bathroom, before pushing it open and walking right in, Varian in tow. Varian's cheeks flushed a bright red, but you ignored it, having him stand next to the sink.

You found something for him to sit on (no, not a toilet), and gestured for him to sit, which he did. You walked around behind him and pulled his head back, into the sink. You turned the water on, and laughed slightly when you saw Varian's wide eyes look up at you, seeming confused and shocked by what just happened.

After letting Varian's hair get completely soaked, you took the cork out of the bottle of the chemical Varian had made, and poured a small amount onto his blue streak after diluting it with some water. After about 2 seconds, that part of his hair quickly faded from its normal blue to black like the rest of his hair. You found a piece of cloth and dried Varian's hair with it, until it was only damp.

When Varian stood again, having not said a word the whole time, he turned to look in the mirror, and must have felt very weird about seeing himself without his blue streak, judging by the expression on his face. You chuckled softly to yourself, and started to walk back towards the door, before Varian walked past you. You assumed he was just eager to get out of the bathroom, but when he got to the door he held it open for you. You smiled at him, nodding your thanks, and thought to yourself that you kind of missed his blue streak already.

You abruptly turned back around to the bathroom when you remembered that you still needed to change. Sure, you were wearing a hoodie, but you still wanted to put some longer pants on. You returned to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You were about to put the new pair of leggings on when you saw it. In the back of your left leg, there was an arrowhead embedded in your skin. The skin around it was sliced open, and appeared to have just stopped bleeding recently. You tried to pull the arrow out, but it only caused excruciating pain, and did not move in the slightest. You told yourself you'd try to remove it later, but that right now you had to get out of Corona. You put your leggings on, and left the bathroom.

Varian looked like a completely different person than when he had arrived in the store. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie, completely different from his normal alchemy-outfit, and was now missing his blue streak. You were wearing the dark hood you had worn when you first walked into the shop, and leggings to cover the gash in the back of your leg. The man had given you a small bag, larger than a purse but smaller than a backpack, that you had put your dress in and slung over your shoulder.

You nodded to the man on your way out of the store, and Varian once again held the door for you. You smiled at passerby from under your hood, hoping that the two of you wouldn't draw too much unwanted attention to yourselves. Since Varian's signature blue streak was gone, which was how many people recognized him, he was able to have his hood down. The hoodie he was now wearing made him seem not as thin somehow, making him look familiar, but not identifiable to anyone who saw him.

Soon you had reached the bridge at the entrance to the kingdom, and you and Varian both held your breath as you started to walk across it, and past the guards. When you thought you were in the clear, you sighed in relief, releasing the breath you had been holding for what felt like an eternity. Your breathing hitched when one of the guards stepped forward from the sides of the bridge, stopping you two from continuing forward.

"You two look familiar... Have I seen you somewhere before, young lady?" You then recognized the guard as Stan, the one who had been more than a bit cruel to you when you were in the dungeon. Thankfully, he did not recognize you, or at least well enough to know who you were. Varian, seeing a glint of fear in your eyes, answered for you,

"She's my half-sister, we came here a few days ago to visit an old friend we haven't seen in a while. You may recognize us from when we came into the kingdom over this same bridge." The guard seemed to consider his answer for a moment, before saying,

"Alright. You two have a nice day."

The second you and Varian were all the way across the bridge, you both sighed in relief, now confident that you had made it out of the kingdom safely. The two of you turned towards the forest, wondering what to do next.

A/n: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter. I finally published on time. This might be the first time that's happened... In case you were wondering, Stan didn't have you pull your hood down because, no offense to him, but the guards are not the brightest.

Also, today I had a zoom call with Andrew Peterson! He's the author of the Wingfeather Saga, and today he had a zoom to celebrate the release of the new, fancy, hardcover versions of the third and fourth books in the series, The Monster in the Hollows and The Warden and the Wolf King. It was awesome, and I really enjoyed it. Since I signed up, I also get signed copies of both books, and I can't wait until they get here.

Anyways, thank you to each and every one of you who is reading this story. I really appreciate it. If you ever have any feedback or constructive criticism, I would love to hear it. Thank you for reading!

Varian x Reader - Tangled the Series x Wingfeather Saga crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now