Chapter 9 - The Shopkeeper

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~I don't own this picture~

You walked in and saw the shop owner organizing some of the clothes in his store. He looked up and saw you, and stared at you for several moments, before his eyes widened.

"Y/n?" You looked around, before pulling your hood down, upon seeing that the shop was empty. You gave him a small smile.

"Yep. Its me." He seemed mildly surprised, which wasn't as strong of a reaction as you had been expecting.

"I thought they were going to execute you." At that moment, Varian came stumbling into the shop after you. You chuckled to yourself before turning back to the shopkeeper.

"Yeah, my friend and I sort of had a change of plans... about that.... Could I maybe ask a favor?" The man raised his right eyebrow as if signaling for you to continue. "Both of us are sort of.... Wanted... all over the kingdom... We just want to get out of here, and I don't want to get you involved, but is there any way you could give him a disguise? A lot of people will recognize him if he's walking through town in his current outfit," you said, nodding towards Varian, who was wearing his blue-gray shirt, as well as his dark maroon apron. (the picture at the top, but without the gloves) The man smiled warmly at you.

"Of course, it would be my honor." He turned to one of the shelves nearest to him and picked up a dark blue hoodie and some pants (whatever color you think would look best on Varian). He handed them to you, and you nodded your thanks, before walking over to Varian, who was on the other side of the shop, looking out the window. He was probably watching to make sure nothing surprised you by barging into the store.

You handed him the clothes and told him he should go change, and that you wanted to try to walk right over the bridge out of the kingdom, and into the woods outside of it. He looked a bit surprised at the idea of taking such a huge risk, knowing that you'd have to walk right past the kingdom's guards that stood at the entrance to the kingdom, but agreed nonetheless, and left to go change.

A/n: Thank you for reading! Please comment any and all feedback and constructive criticism, or if there's anything you want to happen in the story please tell me.  :)

Varian x Reader - Tangled the Series x Wingfeather Saga crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now