Chapter 1

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The ride to Corona was a long one, but it gave you plenty of time to think about the task at hand. You were supposed to befriend the princess. It wouldn't seem too hard, considering that she wants to be friends with everyone, but you had never made a friend in your life. You didn't know where to start. Do you walk up and start talking? Tell her your mission? Tackle her without warning? With warning? In the end, after thinking for a long while, you decided to start with who you were. That seems like a good place to start.

You must have fallen asleep at some point, because you woke up when the carriage came to a halt outside a beautiful kingdom that stretched out before you. The driver explained that he couldn't cross the bridge because he couldn't blow your "cover," and Fangs did not yet populate Corona. So you got out, taking your bag with you, and set off across the bridge to Corona.

You noticed that as you walked some people stared at you, and a few even stopped to ask if you were okay. You couldn't figure out why, until you realized the two major differences between Coronans and you. Coronans had smooth skin, while you had several scars, bruises and cuts littering your arms, legs, and face. In addition to that, Coronans mostly wore brightly colored clothes, and some even wore really long colorful shirts that go past their knees. You, on the other hand, were wearing a tattered gray shirt with several holes and tears, and gray pants that may have once been white, with even more holes.

Feeling uncomfortable with everyone looking at you, you pulled a hood over your head and increased your walking speed ever so slightly, turning abruptly when you saw a clothing store.

You had never seen anything quite like it; rows and rows of clothing, sorted by age and gender. You observed that none of the really long shirts were in the men's area, wondering why. One of them had a tag on it. Floral dress, it read. Is that what this was? A dress?

"Can I help you with anything, miss?" It was a man's voice. You turned to see a tall man who appeared to own the store. When he looked at you he nearly gasped at your appearance. Trying to keep his composure, he politely asked where you were from. Hesitantly, you answered,

"Glipwood." The man looked surprised,

"Isn't that place overrun with Fangs?"

"Yes, why?"

"How did you escape? No one ever comes back from there."

"Escape? What are you talking about? I didn't have to escape anything. What would I be escaping?" The man was shocked. He couldn't believe what you were saying.

"Where are your parents?" He asked slowly.

"I never knew my mom, but my father is back in Glipwood. He knows I'm here."

You thought you heard him mutter something about how you "look like a lost princess," but you weren't sure, so you brushed it off as a compliment. Before you knew it the man left, asking you to wait for him. He appeared a moment later, holding a beautiful red, pink and blue dress, with shimmering gold thread lining the pattern.

"Take this," he held out the dress, "free of charge. Consider it a gift." He smiled warmly at you, and you carefully took the dress, returning the smile. You thanked him, changed, and left, thanking him once more on your way out.

A/n: Anyone and everyone who reads this, I hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter is when we finally meet Varian. The Varian in this story is (at least for now) just the innocent little cinnamon roll who tries to help his village with his science experiments (specifically alchemy), and usually doesn't succeed.

Varian x Reader - Tangled the Series x Wingfeather Saga crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now