Chapter 5 - Behind Iron Bars

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As the guard's footsteps faded away into nothing, you looked up at the small, barred window near the top of your cell. You couldn't really see out of it, all it ever did was provide a small amount of light during the day. You wished you could see Varian, but you had a feeling that if you were to see him again, it would only be while he watched you be hanged. The thought of it made you sick.

You sat in silence, your mind a mess. Your thoughts seemed to be louder than they had ever been before. You apparently fell asleep at some point, though you had no memory of it. You awoke feeling more tired than you would have if you had stayed up through the whole night. The rest of the day went by in a blur, the only thing you remembered was gruel being dropped off at your cell at some time in the afternoon (you knew it was the afternoon based on the lighting).

It started to get darker inside the dungeon, and your stomach twisted as you realized that in less than twelve hours, you would most likely be dangling from the noose that would be wrapped around your neck. Sure enough, as if on cue, you heard footsteps echoing off of the walls of the dark corridor, most of the light now coming from the torches that hung from the walls. You were soon met with Pete, who gave you a sad, knowing smile, clearly thinking about what would become of you tomorrow.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, and you almost laughed at how stupid the question was.

"Lets see.... I'm imprisoned for saving someone's life, now I'll never see them again, I've failed my dad, and tomorrow morning I'll be dead at sunrise. I'm just golden!" you said sarcastically, sighing. Pete gave you an apologetic look, and you felt something twist in your stomach because you took your anger and frustration out on him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just - well-"

"I know what you mean, and it's fine," he told you. You couldn't help but wonder what that feeling was, that knot in your stomach. You had never felt anything like it in your life. You wondered if it was associated with being mean to Pete, but you had been mean to other people without feeling that. Heck, you had almost killed people before, and not felt it. Did this have something to do with your predicament? You'd have to ask Varian about it later. Wait, you can't, you remembered, and your heart fell. As the rest of the day had, your time with Pete flew by in a blur, the two of you often just standing in silence, or trying to make small talk, but again landing in an awkward silence, thinking about tomorrow. Before you knew it, he was bidding you goodbye, telling you he'd see you tomorrow just before dawn to take you outside. You were mentally exhausted, and both did and didn't want to sleep. If you slept, you wouldn't feel all of the pain you felt right now, but these were some of your last hours on earth. You wound up falling asleep while you were debating whether or not to do so.

"Wake up, girl! It's time. Let's get this over with, shall we?"

A/n: Sorry this is sort of a filler chapter, and I've been gone for like a week, but I'm pretty sure there will be more Varian in the next chapter, as well as more interesting stuff, as opposed to filler. Next chapter should be out in the next few days, or mayyybe even later today. Thank you all for reading!

Also, a big thank you to WriterAnonymous for helping me come up with this chapter's title, I was having a lot of trouble with it. Ya'll should go read their story (its called "In Gymastics, Three's a Crowd), its great. I read it myself, I love it. They are a very talented writer, and I'm sure you would enjoy their work.

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