Chapter 4 - The Stabbingtons

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A/n: Hey everyone! This is going to be a longer chapter, but it doesn't really have much going on, yet. I promise, there will be more exciting stuff, and more Varian stuff, soon. Within the next few chapters. For this one, I just didn't really know what to write, since I feel like you shouldn't just go to prison and be released without a scratch. So I had a small idea, and decided to just roll with it from there. It will get way more exciting soon though, and I want to thank all of you who have read this story! It means so much to me! Enjoy.

~with Varian~

They took Y/n! I can't believe they took her! What are they going to do to her? What do they even think she did?

As I look around, my eyes land on the six men lying unconscious, and my heart fell. They thought she killed them. And in Corona, if you kill, you are killed. I have to help her! But how?

~your perspective~

You sat in the corner of the dark cell, wondering if you would still be alive in three days. You had a really bad feeling about it, and by the time you heard faint footsteps, you had mostly accepted your fate, as much as you can over the course of two hours. But it still hit you really hard when you actually heard it.

"You're to be hanged the day after tomorrow, at dawn," said the captain, with an emotionless voice. He then left, and you curled up into a ball on the hard "bed" in the corner of the room. As much as you wanted to cry, no tears came. You couldn't believe what was happening to you. Your life was going to end because you helped someone else. Pitying myself won't get me anywhere, you thought, trying to stay strong. You heard faint footsteps once more, slowly getting louder. You thought maybe the captain had moved the date forward, but instead you saw a different guard, with pale skin and brown eyes,

"I heard what's happening. Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" You looked at him.

"Kill those men."

"How many times do I have to say I didn't kill anyone!"

"What? But the captain said you admitted to it."

"Seriously? That's what that bonehead said? I admitted that I knocked them out! If you would have been paying attention, you would have seen that those men are breathing! They'll be fine! I knocked them out because they were assaulting my friend. I'm not heartless!" As you said that, you wondered if he really was your friend at all.

"Really? You didn't do it?"

"I didn't kill them. Why would I?" The guard, who said his name was Pete, didn't know how to answer that, so he stayed silent, until he found another question to ask.

"So you're just going to sit here and let them hang you?" He sounded sad.

You laughed coldly. "It's not like I have much of a choice here. It's either sit in a cell here and wait to be hung, or escape, be wanted all over Corona, and try to return to my home village, having not only failed my mission, but having made it a thousand times harder for my father to do whatever he wanted to do." Pete raised an eyebrow.

"Mission?" You sighed.

"My father sent me here to become friends with the princess." Pete asked you why he would send you on a "mission" to do that, but you didn't know. The two of you continued to talk for another hour or two, before Pete was relieved from his shift. He told you he would see you at the same time tomorrow, and although you really enjoyed his company, your stomach twisted every time you think of this time tomorrow. Not even twelve hours until you would lose your life.

After Pete's footsteps had faded away completely, you slowly turned to lay down on your "bed," hoping for sleep. But your mind was racing, and try as you might, no sleep came. It could have been hours that you laid there, or it could have been minutes. You had no way of knowing. But your mind was overflowing, and you knew there wasn't a chance that you could sleep. You eventually stood up and began to pace, walking back and forth to the two walls nearest to the bars. You couldn't think about anything except that you would be dead in not much more than two days.

Though you didn't know it, you had been pacing for two hours, and your dungeon-mates (I don't think they're not cell mates because they're not in the same cell, so I don't know what to call them) were getting very frustrated with you.

"Will you shut UP already?!" one of them shouted. You turned on your heel to face the silhouette, giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I didn't realize that I was bothering you! I am so sincerely sorry for not wanting to die. Please forgive me." The silhouette stood from their bed, and a dim light shone onto his face, revealing him to be a tall man with Weasley-colored hair (if you don't know, its basically ginger) along the sides of his head. Sideburns.

"You trying to pick a fight with me, girl?" Now you were getting mad, you don't like being set apart because of your gender. Or age.

"And what if I am?" You said, standing up as well. It was only then that the man could see how old you were, he only knew you were female from your voice. The man with sideburns smirked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. What are you here for? Did you try to rob Monty's Sweet Shoppe?" He chuckled. This guy was really starting to get on your nerves.

"No, actually. They think I killed six people." That got a laugh out of him.

"What, were they babies?" You felt like tackling right then and there, no one makes fun of you like that.

"Ask the guards, they were six grown men, just like you. Wait, sorry. Not like you, you're not men!" The guy with sideburns grunted, seeming to be almost as annoyed with you as you are with him. But definitely not as annoyed as you are. Just as the sideburn-guy's cellmate, who you had only just noticed, had stood up and was about to retort, you heard heavy footsteps running down the dungeon hallway, stopping near your cell.

"What are you three going on about, Sideburns, Patchy?" You rolled your eyes. So this guy had heard shouting, but didn't bother to listen? We could've been shouting about how to escape for all he knew.

"Sideburns here decided to pick a fight with the wrong girl," you answered for them.

"Well, you should try to get some sleep, Y/n. Its past midnight, so you've got a big day tomorrow," he chuckled.

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