Chapter 7

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Hey, I'm not dead! And yes, it is finally here! I finally decided to stop being lazy (and also finish my schoolwork) and write another chapter!

You were shoved forwards, and a third guard fastened the noose around your neck, making it much tighter than you thought necessary. A fourth wrapped his hand around a lever, and with a nod from the captain, who you could just barely see, he pulled it.

You heard loud footsteps pounding on wood. They seemed panicked, whoever it was, and the two guards who each had a hand on your shoulders turned to face him, and you were met with none other than Varian.

Time seemed to be going impossibly slow, but at the same time incredibly fast. You were now suspended in midair, trying not to gasp for air yet, knowing you wouldn't get any. But you were running out of air, and fast. You knew you couldn't hold your breath forever. You started to see black walls coming into your vision, creeping in from the far corners of your eyes. But before the darkness overtook most of your vision, you saw the blurry figure of who looked like Varian, clutching something in his fist. He was running past the guards, and the two who had previously held your shoulders had moved towards him, blocking him on both sides. He slid between them, just as they lunged towards him, causing them to crash into each other and fall to the ground.

Varian now stood in front of you, and he was working quickly. Just as he had entered your now very narrow line of sight, your vision was overcome by the darkness. (okay, I realize I had said you had already seen Varian before this, and I don't know how that's possible, since he 'just entered your line of sight.' Just.... Just don't question me. Its a plot hole that I've already published, so its there... maybe Varian has used alchemy to be in two places at once?) You were barely conscious, only hearing sounds that seemed distant. You heard what sounded like a short rasping sound, followed by a small pop, and felt air whooshing around you. You barely feel an arm wrap around your wrist and drag you to a standing position, unaware of anything that was going on around you. You felt your feet moving, you were walking. Suddenly, you could see a small amount of light in the center of your vision (no, its not the light at the end of the tunnel), and it was slowly starting to grow. Light turned into color, color into shapes, and the shapes became sharper and more defined, though it remained blurry. You saw... Varian looking at you, his right hand was wrapped around your wrist, leading you through the streets of Corona, into a dark alleyway, next to... next to that store you had been to earlier, the clothing shop. You were both running, but slowing down as you got further down the alley, until your leg gave out and you collapsed to the ground. Varian's footsteps stopped almost instantly, and he stood over you, kneeling down to either be lower and out of view, or to be on your level.

"Are you okay?!" He seemed panicked. You turned your gaze to meet his, his eyes were filled with fear and concern. He quickly glanced over your shoulder before returning his attention to you. You realized he expected you to answer.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," you ignored the burning pain in your leg. It felt worse than just exhaustion, almost as if someone had stabbed you with a knife or shot you with an arrow in the leg. "Th-thank you for saving my l-life." Varian gave you a small smile,

"Of course. Anything for a friend. Besides, you did the same for me." He rubbed the back of his neck.

A/n: "I'll publish the next chapter soon," I said. "It'll be within the next few days," I said. But here it is, sorry its been so long, I'm hoping to start getting on a more regular publishing schedule, but I'm just starting high school, this is my second week, so my schedule is kind of chaotic. I also don't really know where I'm going with this yet, any help is welcome. Thank you all for reading!

Varian x Reader - Tangled the Series x Wingfeather Saga crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now