Chapter 3 - Courage of her Convictions

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You awoke in a heap on a cold stone floor, and looked up to see iron bars. You scramble to your feet a little too quickly, and began to feel lightheaded. Swaying a little, you sat back down, holding your head. How hard did that guy hit me?
You sensed a presence standing in front of your cell, and glanced up to see a man in a golden helmet, wearing a red and gold uniform. You guessed he was the captain of the guard.
"You know, you look a little young to have done what you did." What is he talking about? I didn't do anything. Does Corona law forbid intervening when someone is being assaulted?
"Which was what, exactly? You asked, confused. The captain seemed to think you were just being smart.
"You've been charged with murdering six people. Are you denying it?"
"What? No! I didn't kill anyone! Those men were attacking a boy, I knocked them out to help the boy. Nothing more!" The captain stared at you. His eyebrows furrowed, and he quietly spoke something to himself.
"I beg your pardon?" You asked him.
"I said, the last person who was charged with murder said almost the exact same thing. He was hung at dawn three days later." At this, your eyes widened, and you gulped, reaching your right hand up to lightly grasp your throat.
"I will be speaking with the king and queen about this," said the guard, as he turned and walked down the dimly-lit dungeon corridor, presumably to the throne room.
~with the captain of the guard~
"We captured her, under the accusation that she killed 6 men in the street. She has already admitted that she is the one who hurt them," the captain informed King Edmund.
"What do you intend to do with her?" The king questioned.
"She should be hanged for her crimes, if you see it fit your highness." The king thought for a moment, glancing across his daughter to Ariana. He returned his attention to the captain,
"If you think that's the proper punishment, then-"
"Isn't there another way? Do we even have any proof that she did it?" Rapunzel interrupted.
"Sweetheart, you heard the captain. She admitted to it herself," Ariana told her.
"But, what if she was just sure she would be punished anyways? What if she's really innocent? What if we're ending her life for something she didn't do?"
"Rapunzel, she wouldn't admit to it if she hadn't done it. Proceed, captain."
"Very well. It will happen in two days at dawn." He then turned on his heel and walked away.

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