twin flames

291 12 7

this chapter is kinda long- (3500+ words)


His eyes widened, "Very well." He slowly got up, and walked to the window to see how close they were, "How long has it been since we've left York New?" She said, snaking in to see outside. "Two days, you were out for more than intended, we are just over Glam Gas Land."  She rolled her eyes, and focused her aura into her hand, waiting for a gun to slowly form; particle by particle. She looked up at him and tugged at a strand of his hair, "Wheres my phone asshole." His wide gaze flicked down to her, 

"Oh um.." He reached for her phone in his waistband, only to find that it wasn't there. She watched him and scowled, he pulled out his phone and offered it to her, she snatched it from him with a quick motion.

She scrolled through his contacts and picked one out, before calling them she turned to Illumi and said, "Goodbye Illumi, it was wonderful beating your ass." She smiled a warm smile, he squinted his fish eyes at her and looked back at his phone. 

She pressed a button, initiating the call between a certain clown whose name started with 'H' 

"Hey lover boy," She said into the phone, 

"Hmm what? Is that Amayaa?" His voice flooded into her ears, he almost purred out her name. 

"Yes, would you do me a favor?" She continued, bouncing her weight from one hip to another, 

"Depends on what it is." He said, she could basically hear his smirk through the phone. 

"Can you pick me up at the XXXX XX Hotel in Glam Gas land? I dont have my car, and right now Im stuck on a airship to Kukuroo mountain with Fish Eyes," She said, looking back at Illumi, staring her down. It wasnt like Illumi was going to prevent her from leaving. 

"Hmm, alright. I'll be there at... hmmm... 10:20." He said flatly, she looked at her watch and then ended the call, 9:24. She threw his phone back to him, as he piped up. "What is your relationship with Hisoka?" He tucked his phone back into his waist band and sat on the bed, crossing his legs and awaiting her answer. 

"Umm.. Its  hard to explain, I will only say this to you and you only because I think we are similar in some ways, but I know he is oddly interested in me, and he wishes to kill me, but I know that in the mean time he is waiting until I reach my 'peak' and see if he can defeat me but until then I know he wishes no harm to me.... so I'm exploiting that. Do you understand?" She said watching as he blinked at her. 

"I understand." He said monotone,  

She rubbed her temples and looked at her watch again, 9:27. He noticed this and said, "Eager to leave?" She shot a look that read, Uh yeah

She bent over and flipped her hair downwards, making a ponytail, she grabbed her hairtie and tied it around her locks. She turned around, studying Illumi while he studied her. "What?" She said, attempting to break the ice between them. He shook his head, returning from his daze. She sat down and fiddled with her thumbs while she watched her watch slowly tick, 9:29, 9:30







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