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^ This is what I listened to while I wrote this, and it will definitely make this chapter feel more real if you listen to this while you read, I suggest starting at like, 8:03, it just aligns everything up and so when the climax of this chapter happens, so will the climax of the music yk, ^

(tw; violence, domestic abuse.) 

~+1 Year Before Briar And Amayaa Meet +~


Amayaa twirled a strand of inky black hair around her finger and looked outside, the sun cast a bright, warm haze over the dotty lavender fields that resided out of her window. She got up and drug her hand over the pearl windowsill, 

After her ball, the Zoldycks had stayed at the estate for a few weeks on vacation, and made countless deals with the Volpe family head holder, 

Muddy thoughts ran rampant, she felt like she could do anything at this moment, she waited impatiently and grabbed the note encased in a letter, running a thumb over the Zoldyck seal and unconsciously smiling to herself, she hooked her nail under the seal and slit the letter open,


Please meet me in the lavender field at 2:15, 


She hastily looked at her watch, 


Amayaa brought a hand up to her white lace corset and picked at one on the stitched designs, her long white sunday dress softly embraced her ankles every other moment, the numerous silken layers flowed softly in the steady and warm airstream, 

She pulled on a soft pair of white ankle socks that had lace designs dancing up her calves, 

Amayaa picked at her cuticles hastily before prancing out of her room, she ran down the long halls, feeling the course carpet underneath her feet, 

The maids watched and scoffed, 

Paintings flew past her, her relatives she had never known, their faces pressing into her view,  she looked away and focused on the door to the lavender field, her escape lied right outside that door if only she could get to it faster. 

She pressed into her run even further, using all of her energy. When she finally got to the seashell white doorframe she rested there for a few moments before pushing open the doors, she scanned the fields for a few moments before locking onto a tall figure standing in the middle of the field, 

Amayaa ran a hand through her hair pushing it back, a soft warm temperature resided on her cheeks. 

She could see him clearly, she just needed to get to him. Amayaa pressed herself into a run and slowly got closer and closer to the figure standing in the lavender fields, the delicate aroma flooded her senses and she began to develop a calm feeling as she sprinted towards him, her dress writhing behind her, her firm corset preventing deep breaths, soon she had gotten about arm's length from him as she threw herself around him, 

He felt her presence but allowed her a dramatic entrance, he pulled her around to face him in a quick manner, 

She was very disheveled and dark raven strands fell on her cheeks and forehead, her bright and cold sage green eyes bore into his unlively black ones, he smiled a little, he reached up to brush away the strands of hair from her face, she smiled her bright smile as he parted his lips to speak, 

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Where stories live. Discover now