queen of swords,

150 1 1

Amayaa looked across the room, clutching her bag in one hand, and fiercely gripping her cellphone, her knuckles turning a sickly shade of ivory,

She clenched her jaw and looked at Chrollos bent over figure,

His heartbeat fluttered to fear, to regret, then to worry. It was very unlikely she would figure out why he was having these feelings,

"Are you ready? We've landed," Amayaa said with a blunt and empty tone, she had to mentally prepare herself for what was going to occur over the next few months,

Endless surprise, and not the good kind. Having to babysit a grown man. Not what Amayaa would rather be doing.

"Yes," He replied, standing up and wrapping the head bandage around his forehead.

She looked him up and down and gave him a tired smile,

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a cigarette, lighting it before putting it in between her painted lips.

Amayaa turned towards the door and Chrollo followed,

She felt a prudent aura flickering before disappearing, her eyebrows dropped and she prepared to build her nen,

What a show this will be,

Are you watching, Netero?

Amayaa walked down the hall, she would play in this game between her and the hunters association,

Her heels made a soft tap against the carpet underneath her, once the two made it to the lobby a burst of gunfire erupted, civilians panicked, some simply dropped to the marble floor with a lifeless thud,

She dashed to a pillar and flicked her cigarette out of her mouth, and onto the pearl floor beneath her. Chrollo stayed pressed up against the opposite pillar,

Amayaa reached into her thigh strap and grabbed her gun, a cold, familiar feeling bit at her fingertips and palms, she fired at the opposite pillars in front of them,

Figures dashed from pillar to pillar,

6-8 people?

She adjusted her footing before watching one of the figures drop,

Amayaa reached into her opposite thigh strap and pulled her hunter's knife out, it's metallic ring echoed along with the deafening gunshots that constantly rang with a certain rhythm,

She dashed to the opposite side, clutching her knife and focusing her nen into her skin, serpents danced alongside her,

A well-built male with striking blue hair and crisp blue eyes, popped out at her, striking at her side before she returned the blow, blocking it with a deafening sound of metal against metal.

A determined expression laid on his face, a serpent started to sway, before swiftly leaping towards his chest, energy met flesh, and his flesh ripped with a painful sound, the grey reptile had ripped right through him, a pained gasp escaped his soon bloodied lips before his knees buckled,

Amayaa shot back to the pillar next to her as the blue-haired boy started to viciously bleed out,

A slow and grueling melody played, moments slowed, and bullet casings littered the floor like vermin, cruel gunshots continued to ring,

Bodies dropped carefully like precious raindrops, their crumpled bodies piled.

Soon the number eight had been trimmed down to three, two people gathered at a pillar, seeming to shield the person behind them, this person had a rugged aura, like a rough stone,

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt