cheater, cheater, cheater,

295 7 1

The warm covers shielded her from the stale, cold air that hung in the room,

Her skin was warm and felt only the touch of the cotton covers, she was calm but her head ached fiercely. 

The covers shifted, and her eyes snapped open to hearing an unfamiliar heartbeat, she turned onto her side to see a naked male lying beside her, his eyes were closed and his chest rose shallowly, 

Her eyebrows twisted as she studied that unfamiliar face before snippets of last night came back to her,

After she had gotten into bed she woke up, and wandered around the airship until she made it to the airship's minibar, she had gotten even drunker and hooked up with a total stranger.

She brought her hand to her face and covered her eyes in disbelief, she covered her chest with the creme colored covers and looked at the stranger's face to see if she could remember his name, his skin was a deep olive and his wavy thick hair trickled down to his cheekbones, his dark eyelashes stood out against his skin tone, 

Amayaa carefully slipped out from the covers, silencing her footsteps before grabbing a pair of underwear and slipping them on.  She hastily looked for her sweater in her backpack, she pulled out a pair of black leggings and a mint sweater, 

Her feet took her back to the bed, she sat on the bed before prodding the male in his chest, 

"Hey, wake up." She whispered, his eyelids rose, revealing his honey brown eyes. 

"My boyfriend will be really mad if he sees you here, can you please leave, I would rather you not getting hurt..." She continued, watching his smirk raise the edges of his lips.

"Alright, I would rather not get hurt as well, " He said, his voice was deep and husky from just waking up. 

He sat up and turned to look for his dress pants, she got up quickly and handed them to him, and bent over to grab his white button-up. He climbed out of the bed and stood up to grab the bundle of clothing from her hands, he was very tall and had the build of a Greek god, she looked up at his brown eyes looking down at her, 

He was about 6'5 and completely towered over her, he grabbed the clothes from her hands and she looked for her phone, she grabbed it from the bedside table and hastily typed in the passcode to see her 14 new notifications, 

She had a text message from Chrollo, she opened it cautiously before she read the text

"Come to my room, now."                                                                                                                                                sent 2:34 am, Sept. 9th.

A cold shudder traveled down her spine as the male left the room, closing the door with a soft click, she scowled and walked out of her room, stepping towards Chrollo's room, she placed her hand on the door and breathed in a long deep breath before opening the door, 

She took in the soft yellow light radiating from the lamp and adjusted her eyes, 

Chrollo sat on the couch with his elbows on his knees, an open book was thrown beside him and his hair fell onto his hands as he was covering his face with his right hand. 

An empty bottle of vodka was hastily thrown on the floor by the foot of the couch,

"Are you okay?" She whispered, wrapping her arms around her waist. 

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Where stories live. Discover now