nothing good happens after midnight

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She sat up besides Feitan and tugged her dress into place, "I'm going to go change," She muttered, looking at Chrollo as he thought to himself. She took a second to take off her heels before walking to her 'room', Chrollo finally reached a jurisdiction. "I have rented a full hotel not far from here, we will all stay there and plan for our raid on the Banquet," Chrollo said as he sat up and brushed off the dirt on his thighs, "What are we stealing at the Banquet?" Shizuku said, curious at what they would be putting so much effort in. "A special diamond, worth 6 Billion Jenny." Chrollo said as he rubbed his eye groggily, he walked down the hallway to Amayaa's 'room' just as he brushed past the door frame, without a sound Amaya slowly unbuttoned the buttons on the slit of her calves to her thighs, "Can you please unzip me? I dont want to accidentally break the zipper~." She said as he reached for the crook of her shoulder blades, he gently tugged at the zipper, pulling it down to her lower back. He slid the dress off of her figure and handed her the t-shirt and black pajama shorts he had provided her. She slipped them both on and turned to him, he parted his lips and said, "I rented out a full hotel for us and the rest of the troupe, We are leaving soon." She rubbed her aching neck and nodded, she picked at her fingers; unable to put her thoughts into words. "Can we have a actual conversation at the hotel? I really need to talk to you..." She said as she finally came to her last minute conclusion, "Sure," He said as he led her back out to the main room to leave the decaying church, the other members trickled out and got into three different cars. She got looped in with car 2, which Chrollo was not in. She crammed into the backseat with Shalnark sitting next to her, Machi was at the driver seat and Shizuku was in the passenger seat. They drove to the hotel,  they were stopped at a red light when Shizuku piped up, "So, Amayaa, is he good in bed?" She asked in her normal tone, Amayaa almost spit out the water she was drinking onto the back of the seat. Machi snickered at Amayaas flustered expression. Amayaa turned away from Shalnark and looked outside flustered by the lewd question. " That is quite a inappropriate question for a car ride." She retorted, not wanting the whole troupe to be aware of her sex life. The light finally turned green as Machi stepped onto the gas, they arrived at a fancy hotel. They pulled into the driveway into the front door, Amayaa was the first to step out of the car; wanting the release the curious tension in the car. She grabbed her purse from car and quickly walked inside, she met with Chrollo, he walked up to 'their' room. She sat on the crimson velvet bed, " This is quite..... suggestive." She muttered to herself as Chrollo got settled in. "So I wanted to talk about... what happened after you left." She said as she stood behind him. He was folding towels and setting them neatly in a cabinet, "Hmm. What about it?" He said calmly as he creased each towel with care. "I sorry about that one time and that other one... I shouldn't have burned down your club..It's just the mafia knew that I was associated with you and your club." She said, tracing the cross on the back of his coat with her finger. Chrollo's eyes widened as he heard the news of the mafias knowledge of their relationship. "I-I made up a story of how you abducted me and made me 'work' for you, and the sabotage of your raids and clubs made them beileve it." She lied straight to his face, she had actually sabotaged his raids and burned down his clubs because she was pissed he just left her to fend for herself. She steadied her heartbeat to make sure that it sounded like the truth. She waited for him to react, "You did what you had to do, I'm not mad. Those people I sent were just to check on you since you were not answering my calls." He said calmly, she listened to his heartbeat; he was calm but he was worried about something. She wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him from the back, the cross stitching still scratched her face as she hugged his back. She wished she could hear his thoughts, but she was reserved to his emotions and heartbeat. "Do you have something you want to share, Chrollo Lucilfer. You are worried about something." She said, breaking away from her lovey dovey feelings and going back to her stern, stable personality. "The Chain user, it is likely that I will be taken hostage, and maybe even killed at most." He said tensing up at his words. " If I am killed, the spider will continue, and one of the current members will take charge; and you will pay your debt to me by staying in the troupe." He relaxed. She listened to his breathing as suddenly his phone started to ring in his pocket. He reached for it and answered it,

HIS BUNNY; THE SNAKE AND THE CROW (Chrollo Lucilfer Smut)Where stories live. Discover now