Promises of a Fairytale

Start from the beginning

The colour drained from Taehyung's fingers at the harsh grip he was using, and his muscles flexed as he forced Geonwu to stay still despite his trashing and struggling. Taehyung's eyes never left the spot he had chosen as he hissed and pulled his hands back- making the wire dig into Geonwu's skin and create a line of scarlet red along his skin.

Taehyung could feel everything. He could feel each push of Geonwu's palms against his hands, he could feel each kick to his legs, each breath he stole, each second that passed, He could feel the fact that he was killing someone. Taehyung could feel it all, until, finally, the light dimmed from Geonwu's eyes and his body slumped against Taehyung's stiff legs.

Yet despite the lack of motion from Geonwu, Taehyung stayed rooted in his spot- his hands trembling as they stayed clenched around the metal wire, and eyes prickling with tears. The blood from Geonwu's neck slid along the metal wire until it came into contact with Taehyung's pale fingers. A sharp gasp cut through the air as Taehyung jumped back in horror at the touch of blood. His chest rose and fell frantically as he peered down at his fingers and noticed the hint of ruby red on the edge of his pointer finger. Panic bloomed inside his chest, causing Taehyung to quickly look away and brush away the blood onto his clothes. His eyes danced around the room, yet pointedly avoided looking down at the dead body of Geonwu.

A small creak was followed by a click and bright lights switching on in the storage room. Taehyung's head swung up and eyes filled with horror as he finally noticed Hoseok standing on top of the staircase, staring down at him with thin lips.

Like a veil of protection had been lifted, dark thoughts swarmed around Taehyung's mind as he stared into Hoseok's brown eyes. His expression fell, along with his gaze, only to be met with the sight of the person he had just strangled. Taehyung stumbled back and peered back up at Hoseok in raw terror. He felt his heart cracking and tears forming in the corners of his eyes as Hoseok swallowed thickly and looked down at the dead body.

"You...okay?" Hoseok's voice washed over to the room like a warm summer breeze and a comforting caress to a broken heart.

Taehyung's teeth captured his lower lip and eyes stayed glued on the ground as he offered Hoseok a small nod. He shuffled on his feet, taking a hold of his bright red shirt and pulling it over his palms. He winced at the sound of Hoseok shifting around and walking towards the door- only to be wrapped in a hug by Hoseok's voice.

"How about we head back to our cell?"

Taehyung didn't say or do anything, only inhaled a lungful of air and stepped forward. His head lifted and gaze drifted away as he stepped over Geonwu's body, yet fell back on his shoes after he had passed the dead body. Taehyung could feel Hoseok's eyes burning into him as he dragged his feet forward and cautiously climbed the steps.

The heavy weight of guilt, shame, and self-hatred felt heavy on his shoulder. Taehyung felt like he was clinging onto a raft with the tips of his fingers- trying not to drown in the sea of emotions engulfing him. He used to have hope that Hoseok would perhaps reach out his hand to help him not drown, but after demonstrating to Hoseok what kind of person he was by murdering Geonwu, Taehyung was certain that Hoseok would be the one to help his fingers slip off of the draft in order for him to drown.

The two left the storage room without a single word uttered between them. Taehyung followed after Hoseok with his eyes cast down and shoulders slumped in sadness. Taehyung actually began to like Hoseok and his charming self, he could easily say that he has developed a crush on the man. But Taehyung knew that now all his chances were lost and Hoseok wouldn't even look his way since the man had stated himself that he didn't enjoy violence.

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