Chapter 22-Dusk to dawn

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*after dinner*

Tyler asked Mr. Anderson for the keys and insisted that he'll drive me home. Tyler opened the car door for me and closed it gently as I took my seat. He got into the driving seat, fastened his seat belt and asked me "where do you want me to drive you to?" 

Tyler knew that long drives were always one of my favourite things to do, I wanted him to drive somewhere far, however because we had to rise and shine early for the mountain festival happening tomorrow so, I settled in for a short drive.

Tyler turned on the engine of the AUDI sports car which belonged to my mother; he was racing the vehicle to get himself into Track since it's been a while since he drove. We left the hotel and drove by the road that was alongside the lake.

The persistent light was demolished by the rapidly falling darkness. Once the sky transformed into a canvas, which was jet black in colour and it engulfed the whole road ahead of us. There was a canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst ocean of darkness. The moonless night had adequate shimmering stars that were framed by the windscreen that illuminated the night sky.
Before I could ask Tyler to stop by, he drove the vehicle to a side of the road. I turned my face towards my window to view the blissful moment of the lake Derwent waters.

Tyler and I got off the vehicle and stood by watching the lake glisten and mirror the dazzling assemblage of the glittering stars and luminance from the restaurants that lined the marina. The faint wind brushed against our skin's surface, and the rippling water showered onto exposed skin.

"This view is extremely beautiful Evelyn" Tyler softly said into my ear without disturbing the night's atmosphere. I was consummated admiring the scenic beauty until felt a soft brush of fingers on my arm.

Tyler walked behind me and caressed me from behind. One hand grabbing my waist gently from behind and the other painting onto my exposed arm. He brushed his fingers upwards from my fingers on my left hand and he went towards my shoulders at a very slow pace and steadily making me tremble in silence. He ran his hand from my shoulder slowly towards my neck and then drew his finger around my chain and then to my pendant. It was too much for me to take in so, before he could draw his fingers even intensely I turned my face towards him gently feeling nervous. I turned 180 degrees so I could see his face now.

My body was extremely cold and Tyler could feel it, he softly murmured "are you feeling cold", I nodded my head. Tyler took off his blazer and gently placed it over me from the back. He then ran his fingers through my hair and untied it.
My hair fell over my neck covering the back of my dress and few strands fell onto my face. At this I couldn't feel any coldness on my neck. Tyler reached out to the hair strands amiably and settled them behind my ears. I closed my eyes each time his frozen fingers would touch my exposed skin.

My eyes were still clipped but I could feel Tyler gazing at me, I opened it gradually raising my hands to hold his face. I tangled my hands around his neck and Tyler raised me by my hip. He held me close where our mutual breathing was felt. His eyes were mere crystals, happiness and it loved dancing all over, and his eyes conveyed so much that I could keep on reading it for an eternity. He raised me gently leaving one hand gripping onto my hip and the other hand holding my left thigh with a grip. I felt a little ticklish at this point.

The strong wind was howling and the water in the lake played a rhythm, the wind led to my hair falling on Tyler's face. He didn't mind it so I kissed his forehead and that made him close his eyes, I gradually drew my lips away from his forehead to his nose and then brushed mine close to his lips. I didn't want to kiss him first, so I brushed my lips around his. He ran his hands and held my hair bringing my face even closer and kissed me. We kissed long enough that we were able to inhale each other's breathe, everything around us seemed ecstatic, the world seemed forever in that moment, my heart was dazzling with completeness and racing towards more. This was the most perfect site for the most romantic thing to happen.

***next day morning***

"tring,tring,tring" "tring, tring, tring"

My alarm was constantly ringing till I snoozed it; slowly and reluctantly I uncovered my face extremely annoyed since I had to wake. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again.
The morning light trickled in through the blinds, streaks of sunlight penetrated; I was too lazy to get my body off the sheets since it was soaked to the warmth of my cover. I snoozed the alarm that sat on my bed side table and turned around to roll before I could start of my day.
Before I could turn, my body contacted a huge firm structure. I quickly sat straight to check what was the large object under my cover. I grabbed the cover off the bed to find a 6+ feet handsome man lying besides burying his face under a pillow. He was shirtless only with his suit pant exposing the backside of his body; this is when I realized I was still on my red mini dress that I wore last night.

Thoughts started flushing since I couldn't remember what happened yesterday and how we both ended up sleeping in the same room.  I wasn't sure if I should wake Tyler or not because he was consumed in deep slumber. It was half past 8 so I should be waking him before we could run late for the festival.

I sat on the bed next to Tyler trying my level best to wake him up, unfortunately i failed big time. I kissed him, and told him lovy dovy stuff, cried telling we'll run late however nothings seemed to be working; it was simply an epic fail. I thought I should do something physical like spray water or something.

I opened my water bottle that sat on my bed side table, crept slowly onto the bed, pulled the pillow that was covering Tyler's face and splashed water on his head.
I poured three quarter of my bottle and Tyler screamed "Nooo, Evelyn!!!!"

"You did this to me, I'm not going to spare you" Tyler got up and tried pulling the water bottle from me. I tried pulling it away from Tyler and he kept on pulling it to a point where we started fighting for the bottle. Tyler grabbed it from me and poured the remaining water on my head.

"Ohh no, it's freaking cold tyyy" "I hate you" I said covering my face and wiping away the drops that was on my face.

"You started it okaayyy, I was leisurely sleeping and you ruined it for me, thank you" Tyler said placing his hands on his hip.

"Wait what on earth am I doing in your room, did we sleep together?" Tyler asked confused.

"I guess so, looking at my attire" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Well, what a fine night it would've been then" Tyler flirtatiously said with a wink.

"Yeah thank god we don't remember" I said ignoring all his excitement.

"Okay and now can you please go and change your clothes its half past eight and Krystal is going to kill me" I said pushing Tyler out of the door.

Tyler held the door with his strong arms and said not before a kiss. "I want a kiss right now Eve, or else I'm not changing!" Tyler concluded.

"Why are you doing this, we are running late Tyyyy" I gushed placing a kiss on his forehead.

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