Chapter 15-Farewell to the mesmerising setting

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Evelyn's POV

The egg yolk sun poured through the cracks in the wooden streaks and awaited entrance into Tyler's eyes. Sight still in the clutches of the night's glue, I hesitantly rubbed the dreams away. As I rouse from a heavy slumber, I am first aware of the coolness of the air and its loamy fragrance. The soft sheets and the morning light didn't want me to escape the sheets but nudge myself into them.

Tyler was in deep slumber irrespective to rays that fell on his face, I didn't want to wake him. After closing my eyes for a couple of seconds, I remembered that it was the 11th, and I had to return home to attend the mountain festival that was happening on the 13th and 14th.

Bothered about how it didn't ring a bell all this while, I slowly sneaked out of the sheets wearing my pair of black slippers dialling Krystal's phone.

I dialled Krystal's phone twice and she didn't pick it up, probably must be busy with some chore so I called Cheryl.

"hey!!! Eve" "it's been almost five days since we kept in touch, I didn't want to text you thinking you must've been busy with work since deadline is nearing" cried Cheryl.

"hello Cheryl, how's it been? I am missing you guys so much!" "I kind of managed to complete the necessary stuff, I am left with minute corrections. I could tell you that this was indeed productive and is the most memorable episode of my life," I exclaimed in happiness blended with a handful of excitement.

"wait!!! WHY YOU STRESSING SOO MUCH!!!"Cheryl probably questioned thinking why I sounded so excited.

"because it just happened," I replied simply.

"OMH! You are just driving me crazy! Can I know what happened? Wait don't tell me it's a cliche scenery that you enjoyed because every single day at Keswick has been one for you" annoyed Cheryl uttered at an extreme speed.

"Yes that's just 20%, the adventure and the scenery was just amaze balls you know, but there is something more than that, something that I settled for lifetime"I replied very indirectly.

"knowing the risks you take don't tell me you planned on living there forever please, I'm going to smack your face" Cheryl screech recalling the crazy stuff I made her do.

"I wish I could, honestly such an escape from reality you know" "sadly, it's not that" I exaggerated expressing my immense love for it.

"Dude can you please tell me what it is? You know I hate curiosity it kills me like a sharp blade" cried Cheryl with a tired tone.

"I'll tell you that soon but before that tell me what's happening with the mountain festival, did you get me a ticket?" I inquired thinking it was too late to get tickets now.

"Since I'm volunteering I don't have to pay for mine and the best thing is I get 3 tickets free. So two for my lovely besties and not quite sure what I'm going to do with the other. Probably will sell it at a higher rate after all tickets are being sold" giggled Cheryl.

"ohhh wow! Glad your stupid mind didn't promise it to anyone, wait what about Cloyal? Isn't he coming?" I asked curiously because attending and participating in the bike trek has been Cloyal's favourite.

"Apparently he wanted to volunteer as well so he was selected after all he is Mr Brooklyn's son. Who wouldn't allow??" assured Cheryl.

"Great stuff, it's going to be fun then! don't promise your 3rd ticket to anyone, I have a FRIEND who will be coming" I slowly put the words out to decrease an awkward tension erupting.

"A FRIEND....(stressed) who is this FRIEND?" "Can I know the good name of your FRIEND, because if he is your FRIEND then there is no way I cannot know him" Cheryl worded particularly exaggerating on the friend aspect, because friends for me has been Krystal and Cheryl since birth.

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