Chapter 26- Early morning waking up with you

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Tyler's POV

The early morning is the dominion of the birds, for they in bright feathered plume are so very in love with the sunrise. The early morning comes as an invitation to become the agents of a new dreamland reality- one we can make each day with careful loving actions.

"early morning birds chirping."

"early morning birds chirping."

I scratched my eyes as I felt the touch of a rush of cold wind on my exposed cheeks, squinting my eyes I faintly saw a beautiful picture from the tent's panels. The beautiful scenery of Keswick's large greenery mountains paired with the magnificent blue river, couple of trees stood in between the scene adding a scenic beauty to the iconic beauty.

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the world. Amid the dancing mist was the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. Gazing toward the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow, Tyler felt at home in a way he never had before.

I was distracted by the beauty of nature which made me forget the presence of Evelyn. I tried looking below to see Evelyn who was completely covered with the duo, she was fast asleep cuddling my waist and ducking her head into my body. I loved the heat that she poured into my body, it kept me safe and tight.

My goal was to not disturb Evelyn, therefore I made sure I did not move a bit. I rolled my body gently towards my right to reach my travel backpack inside which I left my phone. I put my hand into the side pocket and rummaged through till my hand captured my phone. I released my hand unhurriedly off my backpack and switched my phone on. I kept myself occupied with completing my work chores till Evelyn woke.

While I was busy with my work, I received a text message from Cloyal which said.

"Good Morning Tyler, will Evelyn and you join us for a stroll along the mountain now?"

After reading the text message I was not sure if I had to wake up Evelyn or let her enjoy the deep slumber. In fact, I know she will love to feel the soft cold winds and the iconic magnificence with me but again she was exceptionally tired after a long day and I assumed it would be best if she could rest a little more before the next bunch of activities commenced.

I replied saying "GM, Eve is fast asleep, how about you guys leave now, and I'll join as soon as she wakes", I smiled a sarcastic smile in silence knowing that this was not going to happen.

Twenty minutes after I was back to work on my phone, I could feel Evelyn's hand that laid around my hip gliding towards my chest and then to my neck. I stayed ecstatic like a horse in the rain waiting to feel the next ounce of this feeling. Who said boys do not feel butterflies? Every single time Evelyn touches me it feels new and vibrant, a priceless feeling indeed, so I didn't want to react instead I enjoyed the feeling. As her right hand touched my neck, she slowly moved her body horizontally towards me, at this point I released my phone to the side and held her tight making sure she received a blanket hug.

"Your hug is stronger than anything I've ever known, as if holding me wasn't quite enough, you have to feel every ounce that I am, press into every ounce that is you. In that moment of feeling you so close I am awake somehow, more alive than I have been in so exceptionally long. For there are times I am as a butterfly who yearns for the cocoon, to be safe within walls, protected. That is what I feel. It helps. So, if it would be okay, if it's what you want too, wrap those arms around me every chance the universe is kind enough to bring. For in this world, this is our gold, our food and pure rain... it is the love that makes everything else possible" I whispered gently into her soft ears before she could talk.

I had to tell her this because I was going to stay back with her for only a couple of days, three days in short. I wanted to make her feel loved in every second that I spend with her, let me make it count I thought.

Evelyn brought her lips close to my left ear, as if she was going to kiss me, unfortunately she whispered "since when did you turn out to be this romantic TYY". Evelyn started laughing as she started at my disappointed face, but before late she hugged me tighter, sliding her hands into my back and resting her chin on my chin.

Evelyn POV
I laid my chin on Tylers soft chin thinking how a handsome man beauty starts from his hearty loving soul and radiates from there to create his final form. Tyler surely was this unlike any other man. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon my own. I loved the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new idea, or was so enjoying one of mine that he lost himself for a moment and quite forgot the mask he wore for others. So I gave him my heart and kept his safe, that's the way it was.

"What are you pondering upon Evelyn?" Tyler questioned since I kept silence for a couple of ministers till my mind voice kept admiring his heart that was invisible but felt.
"Why do you keep disturbing my thought process" I answered with an annoyed look.
I got up stretching my arms, at this Tyler held my hand saying "I'm sorry you can keep starring please"
"Now it's too late"
"You missed it" I added raising my eyebrows and started pulling my hair into a comfy bunch.
I pulled my phone off the charger and checked to see if I had any missed messages or calls.
"Hey, I forgot" Tyler said waking up and sitting in his juxtaposition.
"What did you forget?" I asked him curiously.
"Cloyal texted me while ago asking if we could join them to take stroll across the mountains" Tyler replied casually while fixing his hair.
"And and what did you say, I mean why didn't you wake me up?"
"You very well know how much I adore the mountains and the scenes Tyyy" I asked him expressing my disappointment.
"I in fact very well know another side to it, you looked extremely sleepy and tired. You need energy to win the events today, therefore I ensured you had sufficient sleep my darling" Tyler argued lovingly putting his hands on my shoulders and mildly started pinching it.

"umm, now we have less time to spend together. we need to change and run to the arena, twenty minutes to 8AM, hurry hurrry move I am going to change" I grabbed Tyler out of the tent.

"well fine, I'll get our coffee and head back" Tyler mentioned while wearing his sweater and started walking towards the food truck.

In the meantime I left to the changing room truck to freshen up. The changing rooms inside the truck was extremely crowded luckily I was able to finish my chores in a matter of ten minutes. I got back to the tent and sneaked into a pair of black Nike nylon sports shorts topped with one of Tyler's Under Armour jersey, that is my favorite sports gear so far. Tyler gifted that tee-shirt to me on the day we set to leave the forest and I gifted him one of my silver lining name chain in return.  Tyler's been the sweetest out of my bunch and will always be. Hair was done with two boxer braids, sunblock dressed my face, lined eyes and a touch of lip balm completed my look for the moment.

I had to wait till Tyler returned since I barely knew how to wrap my foot with the resistance band before I could sneak into my running shoes. Meanwhile I packed our bags, cleaned the interior and made sure everything was organized since tonight we  will be heading back.

"Heyy babe, here you go with your coffee" Tyler said handing me a cup of hot coffee.

"Thanks my love, if you are done with changing your clothes we could leave for the events, but before that would you please change my foot resistance band?" I asked Tyy politely.

"ohh yeah, I am done with changing just that i need to collect my shades and power bank. will you sit down I'll change the band for you and let's sip the coffee during the stroll" Tyler kneeled down while i sat stretching my right leg.

Tyler held my foot carefully and started plastering the band around my foot completely concentrating on his duty with full attention. After putting the band he grabbed by pair of shoes and started with the socks and shoes. He was the most caring and loving person i've ever met in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me. Tyler was genuinely a very caring person, you didn't have to explain anything to him, he understands every note of me without an explanation. Loosing him would be a nightmare.

"uhh here you go, is my job done my lady?" Tyy asked me while helping me stand up.

"Yes sir, I guess I'm done. shall we leave?" i got up holding Tyy.

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