Chapter 4 - summer Break Goodbyes

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It was the last day of college, summer break commences from today till a good one month. I had to make the best documentary in between. Culling the topic was hard-core.

"everyone ecstatic with their grades?" queried Professor Jess.

"so students make utilization of this vacation endeavor to bring in top notch documentaries for the project showcase. All the best, have a sublime vacation" ended professor Jess jubilantly while starting to bid goodbyes with everyone.

Final year students were orchestrating on a last day college party which was transpiring at the Terrace Inn tonight. Cheryl was going with Cloyal, she asked if the both of us would optate to join them. I was still on a hangover after yesterday's party so I didn't want to go. Krystal raised the same reason additionally.

Cheryl left early since she had to doll up for the party. Krystal and I picked our cold bubble coffee from costa coffee and thought to spend some time by the shores of the lake.
The streets of Keswick that led to the lake had a number of shops and restaurants. A number of exhilarating alfresco activities were available at Keswick. 

Keswick was one major tourist captivating places in England. It was the Keswick mountain festival in a month so the whole town was diligent endeavoring to fine-tune everything that was required to accommodate the 20,000 tourists who attends the famous mountain festival that would go for three consecutive days. 

These tourists are accompanied to experience world class sports, alfresco activities, verbalizes and films, two nights of live music and a galore aliment and drinks depicting sundry cultures contiguous to lake. The annual mountain festival is held in the shores of Derwent waters.

"so we are attending the Keswick mountain festival this year?" I asked Krystal.

"of course yeah they are bringing in Katty Perry and Shawn Mendes this time" she screamed full of exhilaration.

"obviously""even i'm not missing it at any cost" i added. 

"guess what" queried Krystal in between.

"what?" I asked with a question mark face.

"I've been culled as a volunteer to avail the celebrities and chief guests. I can't wait to attend it Evelyn, it's more homogeneous to a dream come true" cried Krystal. Krystal was obsessed with Shawn Mendes to another level indeed just like me.

"Okay so you are isolating me? even i want to see him at least get an autograph signed on my favourite shawn mendes tee shirt" I asked with a disappointed look.

"chill!!!!  there is going to be an abundance of friends, Cheryl will be there. We can still have fun together" " don't worry i will definitely help you get a picture, i swear" Krystal expounded with a hug.

The garden that connected along the lake had flowers lay scattered on the grass like frozen flames, bringing their cool blaze to the tardy summer evening. Krystal held a flower in her fingertips so that it didn't touch her scuffed palms. The flower had brilliant purple petals so thin that even the air, made dim by this debris and smoke should shine through them. We verbalized for a while and led home.

I ambulated into my bedroom, threw my crossover to my long oak room chair and jumped onto my bed screaming "holidays finally". No more arousing early I mentally conceived to myself. I stepped into the shower, my toes commenced flinching as it physically contacted the frozen ceramic floor. I turned the dial metallic and shiny that relinquished thousands of Tepid drops, darkening my hair and trickling down my back.

I ambulated out wearing my bathrobe, I drenched all the water off my hair to my towel and transmuted into a dyad of pink midi shorts and a simple ebony tee.

I aurally perceived the gently tapping rain drops against my bedroom window. These were my favorite kind of days to make myself a sultry chocolate with whipped cream and diminutive glittery marshmallows. I would relish to take my favorite John Green's book and plop myself down on the couch right underneath my sizably voluminous windows admiring the drops trickle down my window brought a serenity within me. I opened my MacBook in lieu of reading a book because I had to find a topic.

I scrolled through the web surfing some documentaries of NatGeo, BBC, and others. I wanted something unique amidst the general cliché documentaries like ecumenical crisis, killing wars, human body, availed suicide and others.

 I wanted something adventurous. I was visually examining some mountain documentaries such as karus, the man who skied down Everest, culminating traction, physically contacting the void and determinately was visually examining free solo. I was intrigued with that because it was an endeavor of Alex Honnald to climb Yosemite's Elcaptain without ropes or any kind of fortification that was ground-breaking.

I recollected there was something homogeneous to that in the mountains of Keswick. The mountain had a restricted area where any alfresco activities cannot take place because it was too perilous with boulders of rock.

 That particular restricted area led to a forest, I have heard about that my father used to tell me about a dread forest away from the mountains. People verbally express the place is hazardous but very pulchritudinous indeed.

I cerebrated why shouldn't I do a documentary exploring and experiencing the rocky mountain. I did some elongated research about the particular forest it's called the "wild zone" and noted some key facts down. I discovered there was a pretty natural waterfall in the depths of the forest. I was super exhilarated to experience this now. you can tell i'm a nature lover big time.

I put my laptop back to my desk and clambered into my bed, I lay there all snuggled up in my sheets waiting for myself to gradually fall asleep. I had to commence my documentary tomorrow so I turned off my lights and eluded into the night.

Authors note❤
Hello guys, how's it been soo far? Did I entertain you guys? I want to attend Keswick's mountain festival one day, how about you??
Anyways thank you readers, I'm grateful for every one of you because you guys really supported me a lot in embracing my book, will never let you guys down. Love you all💗

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