Chapter 9- Tarry along the unknown

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Evelyn's POV

"come on" "get along me" Tyler verbalized climbing the roped ladder that connected to the tree house.

"coming, can you get in first because I'm scared to climb this, I'm trepidacious if this will be able to hold the weight of the both of us." I begged.

"ohh my, what word can fit what this looks like" I verbalized when I ambulated into the treehouse.

"Frankly robust, wooden, cosy, adventurous I can go on" I verbalized starring at the exquisite interior the treehouse possessed.

"you have a wondrous package of aptitude Tyler"
"You mind me ambulating about?" I asked Tyler.

This place looked homogeneous to a treasure box unveiling sundry alluring components within.

The floor was wooden and it creaked when stepped on, streaks of wood were tied up proximate to engender the 4 walls engendering shelter.

Dried large leaves and planks were joined together to hold a rigid roof for the treehouse. Tyler had embellished the 4 walls with numerous led light bulbs in which he had hung his childhood images.

There was a group picture of a baseball team and I was endeavoring to locate Tyler on the picture.

"the one with the broken nose there" Tyler verbally expressed pointing at his younger self.

"aww, what happened ?" I asked consistently visually examining Tyler.

"I was hit when I got into a fight with my rival" Tyler squeaked.

Tyler had made a ground level bed that had a blanket which portrayed the USA flag. Contiguous to his midi height bed was a diminutive stool in which was his MacBook, earphones and an alarm.

To the left of the door was a wooden chair, which looked of no particular use besides hanging half used attire. Past the chair was his electronic station where he had his charger and electronic shaver.

The, centre left was his rectangular window overlooking the dazzling view of the waterfall below the window is my Mediterranean altar to the right that featured a rug with couple of story books and an astronomically immense ebony guitar with phrases imprinted.

On the sill there was a candle lamp. The room looked adventurous with some fine masculine essentials such as basketball, a baseball bat, pairs of shoes lying everywhere around and much more.
"this mess aperture need an immaculate rush?" I asked Tyler starring at the mess hole he has created.
We spent some time in the treehouse.

"Tyler I want to take a swim at the waterfall, would you join me?"I begged.

"why not! I've always swam in isolation."Tyler agreed.

"come on let's go then?" I pulled him downstairs.

Tyler unbuttoned his shirt and threw it off exposing his v-sinewy svelte body. With his mint green shorts, he commenced walking towards the waterfall, I told him i'll join along since I was too shy to abstract my attire when he was around.

I pulled my tee shirt off since I was wearing a sports bra I mentally conceived I could swim with that, I pulled my hair into a top bun and followed Tyler.

Ostensibly he had already commenced swimming. I stood in front of the waterfall.

"heyy Evelyn, join in" Tyler called me

"ahhh, I'm coming" "this feels so arctic, woah its getting genuinely cold" I said slowly dragging my self into it.

"give me your hand" Tyler asked.

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