🌸Thunder storms and PTSD🌸

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[Art not mine]

(Tom's POV)

Edd and Matt decided to go to the store, leaving me with that commie bastard. I would have asked to go but because I'm me, I didn't. I would have been told no either way, Edd bringing up something about me and Tord getting along. God I hate Edd sometimes but I can't deny that I would kill for him if need be. I was currently sitting on the couch and over the past 30 minutes, I've noticed a change in color outside. It was far too early to get dark out so I knew it would rain soon. However, I didn't know if it would just drizzle or be a full on storm. The boom from outside told me it was the latter.

I mentally scolded Edd for leaving me with Tord, much like I did every time I was left with him. However, this time was for something different. Tord had PTSD. I've never seen him during one of his episodes but they are always dragged out by storms, especially thunderstorms. Anytime there was a thunderstorm, Edd and Tord would seek out the other. They would usually go into Edd's room and he'd close the door, comforting Tord. I never knew what they did in there but it worked. Tord would come out of the room later as if nothing had happened. More than once I'd been talking to Edd and the moment he hears a thunderclap, he excuses himself and scuttles off to find Tord. It's crazy how fast that man can move.

I was currently sitting on the couch, phone in hand. The TV was on but was really just background noise at this point since I got immersed in my phone about an hour ago. There was another thunderclap, louder than the first. I heard a noise from upstairs. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was but it wasn't hard to guess. I turned back to my phone screen, just as a notification popped down. After seeing the name, I clicked it.


>Hey Tom! Me and Matt decided to stay
in a hotel for the night since I can't see
very well and I don't want to get into an

I audibly groaned. I would be stuck with Tord all night and I was NOT excited about that in the slightest. Usually I would be thrilled to be alone with Tord, without Edd to supervise us. I knew Tord felt the same way. Anytime Edd and Matt would leave, we would be in a scuffle in a matter of minutes. Half the time we didn't have a reason to fight, we would just give eachother a look and we'd be fighting. Just like that. Most of the time, both me and Tord had smiles on our faces. What a bunch of sadistic pricks. We promised to not kill each other or break anything, to make sure Edd didn't notice. It was our twisted way of bonding.


My response was truly beautiful. So magnificent that it was almost scary. I was about to go back to scrolling through social media when I got another notification.


>Oh! Tom I know you don't get along
with Tord but I might need you to help
him through tonight. Usually I'd help
but I'm not there right now. I'm not
asking for you to like him but if you
could just be a bit nicer to him, you'd
be doing me a HUGE favor.

I really had to contemplate what to say. My mind was blank. Usually we'd be bloodying each other up, not consoling each other. This was going to be weird. Despite my burning hatred for Tord, I agreed. This was for Edd, not Tord.


Right after I sent that there was a loud boom outside, managing to startle me. My heart rate spiked for a good few seconds as I snapped my head up to the window. I heard a thud from upstairs, louder than before. Almost as if someone had fallen. I heard a door open and saw Tord quickly stumble down the stairs. He fell on the last step and faceplanted, scrambling to his feet right after and running into the kitchen. he came out and frantically looked around and spotted me on the couch. He froze and immediately straightened up, acting as if nothing was wrong.

TomTord Oneshots [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now