I'll be honest, even being who I am I never thought I'd get to this point with someone, felt this way about someone, love someone like this. I peered down at Harry's peaceful sleeping form and couldn't help but feel my heart jump at that alone. And he says I naturally smile in my sleep, maybe he doesn't know that he does too. Maybe he's having a good dream right now, nonetheless, I couldn't help but just smile at him. 

I think its safe to say, I'm deeply in love with you.

I thought, smiling even more at the thought. I readjusted just a little to brush his hair some again, even in his sleep he leaned into my hand and hummed some. I peered back up at some new sound to see Mal hopping up from bed. She glanced over my way and once she realized I was awake gave me a bit of a smile,

"Can you wake him up? Its time"

She whispered, I lightly nodded as she walked off to the bathroom. Also, I've just noticed that somehow Dude got here and was sleeping at the foot of Carlos's bed. Well, he did flunk obedience class but that's also kind of impressive that he somehow got here. I shifted some more, Harry subconsciously only tightened his grip as maybe he thought I was leaving or something. I of course wasn't, so I lightly laughed at the bit of clinginess,

"Har, its time to open your eyes"

I whispered. He shifted some and groaned,

"Harry, I'm sorry but you gotta wake up now"

I whispered with a light laugh as he only nestled his face away into the crook of my neck again,

"D-Don't leave meh, not again"

I heard him murmur, now that was confusing. I brushed my hand over his arm,

"I won't, never have and wasn't planning on it"

I whispered back, he shook his head ever so slightly,

"If I open my eyes ye'll disappear again, just like last time"

I furrowed my brow and took a second to think, maybe that's why he was smiling in his sleep. Maybe he was having a dream about me and has had them in the past and every time he wakes up he doesn't like that I'm not there when he wakes up. I cooed some, if that's what was it then that's beyond adorable, to be honest,

"Aw Harry, I'm not really going anywhere. I'm right here, I promise you if you open your eyes I'll still be here, in the flesh too"

He didn't budge, all I felt was his grip get tighter. There's a good chance he's still dreaming too, that would probably explain this a lot more. I gently moved myself away from him to readjust to be more face to face with him when he got a little panicked,

"N-No, come back"

He muttered, his sleepy voice sounding shakier once I moved away. I slid down some so I could be face to face with him,

"Har, I can't come back if I never left. I'm not going to leave ever alright? Open those eyes for me, I'll be here forever and always"

I gently whispered, cupping his cheek and brushing his cheek with my thumb. Finally, he barely opened his eyes before fully opening them, looking a little surprised,

"Oh... yer really 'ere. I thought... I thought I was dreaming again"

I giggled and smiled some at his surprise as he became more conscious,

"Of course I'm still here, where else would I go? There's nowhere I'd rather be"

Harry smiled and moved one hand to the back of my head and guided my head to lay down on his shoulder,

"Every time I've ever had a dream about ye I dread waking up because ye aren't there, but for once yer actually 'ere"

He whispered, rocking back and forth some as he re-wrapped his arms around me. I giggled and leaned into him,

"I'm sorry I had to wake you, but its time to get dressed so we can go save my idiot brother, you looked so happy and peaceful in your sleep"

I felt Harry take a deep sigh of relief, taking a second to just wake up,

"When we get back ta Auradon could we maybe do this again? Ye know... sleep together? I haven't gotten that good of a nights sleep in years"

I hummed and brought one hand up to trace his collarbone some,

"I'd like that, a lot actually. Now as much as I don't wanna get up we do have to go save my brother, but we can definitely have some sleepovers in the future"

A bright smile grew on his lips, humming some more before sitting up and bringing me with him,

"Let's go ahead and get dressed before everyone else wakes up, Mal's already up just so you know"

Harry tiredly nodded and took a second just to stare at me as now that he had sat up I was sitting in his lap,

"Can I do yer eyeliner for today?"

He said after a few moments of silence, making me laugh quite a bit,

"Only if I can do yours"


Hiya! Wow, the fluff we've had in the past two chapters ^-^ So heartwarming, so lovely overall to write before it all hits the fan again, how it hits the fan you ask? Well only I know that, sadly y'all will now have to wait to find out what I mean :) 

Remember to stay hydrated and to be kind to yourself today :D


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