Squirells // Misty Day

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A/N: WOAH i actually updated :) it's tiny and short but here's a lil bitty Misty one shot :)

"Now ya know betta than that!" Misty scolded the small creature in front of her, scooping it up into her arms. "Just 'cause there ma friends, don't mean they still won't eat ya." her tone serious as she carried it away from the edge of the swamp, gently setting it by a tree far enough away that it wouldn't just hop right back over and get eaten by an alligator.

She had enough tending to do to her garden to worry about mischievous squirrels wandering too far from their homes. But who was she kidding, she'd save a million squirrels a day if she had to. She wasn't one to put the life of a plant above the life of an animal. But don't get her wrong, she loved her garden to death no matter.

"Save a squirrel, check." Misty muttered to herself as she went about her little shack, searching for her watering can. "If only I could save ma damn plants now too... ah! There that damned thing is." she grabbed the can and filled it up with water before making her way back outdoors.

Miss Cordelia'd be coming by at some point today to scoop her up and take her back to the Academy for awhile, so she needed to tend to every part of her place before she wouldn't be able to for god knows how long Cordelia'd keep her hostage.

Not hostage, really, Misty loved Cordelia and the Coven, but the swamp was her *home* and she always found that she missed it dearly, no matter how much she enjoyed being apart of something so wonderful like the Coven. She truly had found her tribe, but the swamp still called her name relentlessly her every waking moment she spent away from it. So she had convinced Cordelia to let her go back home for a stay, saying she would "Really Delia! I think I'd straight die if I don't go back. Just for a little?" So Cordelia agreed, and here Misty was, tending to her garden and awaiting the arrival of the Supreme.

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