take this somewhere // venable x reader

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warnings: spanking

a/n: y'all wanted more venable... so here ya go

The fire crackled as you sat curled up in an arm chair in the library. It was half past 12 am and curfew had long past been broken by your half asleep figure. You were reading Hamlet for the 7th time since arriving at the Outpost and realized there was a library full of the classics.

You had managed to sneak down into the library night after night without being caught and were quite proud of your accomplishment as you enjoyed having silence as you read. You weren't allowed to remove any books from the library premise usually. During the day, you'd be bothered by the other purples, as they had no where else to go but the library and a few other rooms in the Outpost that Ms. Venable allowed entry.  So this was the only time you could really enjoy reading... and you hadn't attempted at sneaking a book out yet.

Your half asleep brain's thoughts started wondering. Did Ms. Venable enjoy reading too? You'd seen her in the library a few times prior. You'd never seen her pick up a book before, let alone sit down and read one. Especially around the other purples. Normally, you would've gone back to your room by now. It was nearly 2 am and you never stayed in the library past 1. How had the time gone by so fast?

Your head shot up from it's crooked position in which you were reading when you heard the library door creak open. Your heart rate increased and you didn't know a body could start to sweat so fast after adrenaline started pumping, but yours sure was. Your heart almost beat out of your chest as you saw Ms. Venable creep in and shut the door behind her. She had yet to see you, and you trembled in your curled up position on the arm chair, frozen in place and terrified.

She walked into the room and as soon as she saw you staring at her, she froze. "Miss y/n, what are you doing up at this ungodly hour. Haven't you any idea what time it is? Way past the purple's curfew." She stated calmly.

You scrambled out of the chair, the book falling to the floor. You didn't know what to do. "I- I... I'm so sorry Ms. Venable it won't again I promise." You stuttered as you picked up the book from the floor, shutting it and wondering if you should put it away.

Her eyes lowered, "What are you reading?" you weren't sure if she was sincere, but you answered anyway. "Hamlet." You squeaked, holding up the book to show her. She had made her way to standing directly in front of you at this point.

She snatched the book from your hands, glancing over it and over you. "Put it away and get back to your room." She stated calmly and you froze. She wasn't going to punish you? She surely would've caned anyone else she caught out of their room after hours.

"Immediately Miss l/n. Don't make me change my mind." She waved you away and you quickly left the library, shutting the door behind you and not looking back as you walked as fast as you could back to your room.

Once you were back in your space and the door was closed, you let out a sigh of relief. Why hadn't she punished you? What if she punished you tomorrow? How could you face her for breakfast?

You decided it was better to just sleep. You were quite tired, even after the rush of adrenaline from being caught by Ms Venable.


When you woke the next morning, you quickly sat up in bed, wondering why you hadn't been alerted for breakfast. Usually you would've been woken up and told to hurry down to the hall for the morning meal. Maybe you just woke up too early?

There weren't any clocks to be sure. You slid out of bed and hurriedly walked to your closet in fear of being late to breakfast. If you were early... at least you'd just look a bit dumb. Not disobedient like if you were late.

paulson one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang