yours, mine, ours (Pt. 9)

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It'd been an entire month now that you'd stayed with Billie in her loving home and arms and you wouldn't trade it for the world.

But all good things come to an end.

"Sweetheart?" You heard Billie call in the hallway before entering the room. "Hi darling." She smiled softly as she entered the room.

Something about her body language seemed off and you were almost scared. "What's up?" you ask, worried.

"Well.. I just got a call.." She began, wringing her hands in front of her. Billie wasn't one to ever show truly how anxious she was in a situation so your worrying began to heighten.

"They want me in San Fransisco... Then New York and few weeks later." She confessed and your mind filled in the blanks she left empty. Billie was needed for a shoot.

Obviously you knew this day would come sooner or later... you just wished it was later. To be fair, an entire month with Billie was more than generous of her managers and you were starting to wonder how Billie was possibly still here.

"I can't stall it anymore honey.. I've got to leave tomorrow." She frowned and collapsed next to you on the couch, allowing herself to be vulnerable and curl up into your side for a change.

You wrapped an arm around her and squeezed. "I understand Bills you know I do. You've got this whole fancy career. I mean, you're famous love. It is what it is..." You said nonchalantly, trying not to let the tears spill.

You had no idea what you were going to do. You knew you'd have to go back to Robichaux's and truthfully that was the last thing you wanted to do.

You still technically had a career too.

"I'm just dreading entering the real world again." She sighed, sitting up with a pout. "Staying just like we have the past month was like heaven and it's going to be like hell out there again. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, of course. But I love yo-" She slapped a hand to her mouth and her eyes widened.

You were completely caught off guard. Holy shit. She loves you.

"Iloveyoutoo." You practically whispered at super sonic speed and tears filled your eyes. Happy ones, of course.

"You do?" She took her hand from her mouth.

"Yes. I do. I really really do." You smiled, a tear finally rolling down your cheek and she swiped it away, pulling your face into hers.


The next day was just about as awful as you could imagine. Billie woke at 4 am and let you sleep until 6 even though you told her to wake you up at the same time as she did.

She had to be at the airport for 7 and god your head was swirling. Billie had given you her car for the time being until she got back, as she knew you didn't have one.

You really wished you could simply stay at Billie's wonderfully cozy house... she even told you that you could! But you couldn't. You had to go back to the academy and do your job, go back to the real world as Billie had put her own traveling into words.

Dropping Billie off at the airport was more painful than you thought it would be and one quick kiss later she was gone through the terminal and lost into the crowd.

You tried your best not to cry but you did. You cried a lot. You sobbed as you walked back to the car, not wanting this to be reality.

Driving to the academy was a roller coaster of emotions. You hadn't told Cordelia that you were coming back yet but you figured Zoe had most likely told her by now as Zoe was the person you chose to contact. She was your teaching buddy after all.

Your face was wrecked with sobs nearly the entire way and you forced yourself to dry your tears as you pulled into the driveway, parking by a tree you loved as Cordelia's car was taking up the concrete trail way.

You took a deep breath and flipped the mirror down, rubbing the tears from your eyes and putting on a little chapstick. It was now or never you guessed.

You flipped the mirror back up and opened the car door, climbing out and locking it behind you. Your luggage wasn't too heavy so it was an easy grab from the trunk and another lock to lock before you were making your way up the driveway, up the stairs, and finally swinging the front door open.

You had texted Zoe that you were on your way before you left the airport so she had unlocked the front doors for you.

Walking inside was a wave of nostalgia and grief. It was sad but welcoming. It had been your home for a very long time, and was your home now. Even if you didn't want it to be.

You trudged up the stairs, surprised you hadn't run into anyone as the hallways and rooms were usually filled with girls.

You made it back to your old room and swung the door open, tossing your suitcase on the bed and closing your door. Sighing in relief as you plopped down next to the case.

You were dreading your next step. You needed to talk to Cordelia about scheduling and when your classes were, as you had taken a leave from the school and Zoe had taken over your classes while you were gone.

Talking to Cordelia was the last thing you wanted to do. All you wanted was to curl up in bed next to Billie with her arms around you and her sweet smell and heartbeat overwhelming your senses in the best way possible.

You missed Billie dearly and she had barely been gone an hour. What the hell were you going to do while she was gone?

Throw yourself into your work. That's exactly what you were going to do. It was the only way you'd make it. Especially with Cordelia now in close proximity once again.

You flopped backwards and stared at the ceiling, runes and protective sigils garnished the entire white slate. You had forgotten that night you and Cordelia spent hours practicing spell work and protection charms right here at this very spot.

She had taught you how to draw on the ceiling and protect your entire space and it was truly a magical night. You just wished the memory wasn't tainted for you now.

Your thoughts wandered and wandered the rest of the afternoon, your door locked so no one could
bother you. You'd face your fears tomorrow.

Tomorrow would be better.

It had to be.


hiya :) ! as always, sorry for mistakes! could not be bothered to proof read it 😅 i hope you enjoyed. let me know what you'd like to see next in this story <3

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