insomnia // cordelia goode

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this was written at 6 am bc i have insomnia and could not sleep. enjoy lmao *sorry for mistakes, as always but like especially rn bc sleepy 😀



chirp chirp


You mashed your pillow down onto your face, whether you were attempting to smother yourself, or block out the noise, was to be determined.

"Jesus fuck would you SHUT UP!" you whisper-yelled at the birds outside your window.

It was now 6 am and you were still wide awake. You were exhausted and yawning every 10 seconds sure, but was your brain allowing you drift off to a peaceful slumber? hell no.

You were beyond frustrated and all you wanted to do was sleep, but you figured that tonight was most likely going to be an all nighter at this point.

As long as Cordelia didn't find out, you'd be golden!

Those were words you'd think back on and cringe.

You grabbed your phone again, having put it down hours before now trying to follow good sleeping habits but failing to fall asleep despite your efforts of no screen time. Nothing seemed to help.

Checking your socials was routine at this point and wasn't all that interesting yet somehow you still ended up spending an hour scrolling away on twitter and it was soon 7 am.

The sun was now blaring through your window and even your curtains were no match for the yellow white rays of torture.

You sighed and slipped out of bed, wincing at the cold wooden flooring beneath your sock-less feet and made your way through your morning routine.

Usually you'd be doing this at 1 pm, but alas.

It was simple really, all you had to do from here on our was avoid Cordelia until noon and you'd be fine. Simple enough. cough cough

You could just stay in your room, it'd be easy enough. You did that anyway. But coffee was... number one on your "needs" list right now, so to the kitchen you went after slipping on a robe and warm slippers.

You tried your best to sneak your way to the kitchen, keeping a look out for Cordelia the entire time and it seemed to be going your way! She must still be asleep, which was perfect for you.

All you needed was your coffee and then you could spend the rest of the morning in your room until it was safe to exit and be around Cordelia and not get questioned like the FBI.

Just grab a cup...

Get the coffee pot... Thank god someone already brewed some.

Pour into the cup...

Someone already brewed some.

Put the pot back...

Someone already brewed some.

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