"Sorry. But you can ask Charlie to bring you a change of clothes and I can also put your clothes in the dryer until he arrives."  She suggested.

Henry seemed to think about what she had said and then nodded in agreement.  Without warning, he took off his soaked blue shirt and threw it on Alice's bathroom floor, who was still holding the shower and now glimpsed Henry's naked torso.

That man seemed to have been sculpted by the gods!

"Are you sure you don't mind having a naked man in your house?" Henry asked giving Alice a chance to change her mind.  Chance that she didn't take, because, as it has already become clear, she does not have much judgment.

"Mr. Cavill, you are not going to be the first naked man in my house. Besides, I am not going to see anything because I am turning my back right now."  Alice, after handing the shower over to Henry, did as agreed and turned on her back.  She could hear the sound of Henry's pants being removed and  thrown on the floor, and then the sound of his movements removing the last piece of clothing he had on his body.  Alice took a deep breath.  She officially had Henry Cavill naked in her bathroom.

"Argh!"  Henry shouted.

"What's it?"  On instinct, Alice almost turned around, but remembered that she still needed to buy a curtain for the bathroom and she didn't need to see one of her bosses naked.

"The water is very cold."  She heard him complain, realizing that at least he was able to stand in the tub.

It didn't take long and a noise startled her, causing her to turn towards Henry and find him lying in the bathtub, shower in hand.

"Are you alright?"  Alice asked worriedly.

"Yes."  Henry replied, getting up.  "If the icy bath hadn't cured my drunkenness, the fall did."  He said laughing and turning off the water.

Alice remained in front of the bathtub, not knowing where else to look.  The sight of Henry's naked body in front of her was, shall we say, exceptional.  Alice had her share of boyfriends, but none could be compared to "him".  Wow!!

Before Henry caught her watching him, she turned on her back again, took a towel and offered it to him.

"You can use this towel, Mr. Cavill."  Her voice was breaking.

"Thank you."  Henry took the towel, and wrapped it around his waist.

When he came out of the bathroom, Alice let out all the air she had been holding in her lungs.  She couldn't tell Leslie that story or her friend would die of jealousy.

She followed him into the living room, only to find that none of the chargers she had at home fitted for his cell phone and even after a cup of coffee, Henry could barely keep his eyes open.

"Mr. Cavill, why don't you get some sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, we solve these problems with the charger."  Alice suggested, still thinking about the vision she had in her bathroom.

"Yeah, I don't think there is any other solution."

Alice then opened the door to her room and Venus, that should have been trapped there, left, going straight to the side of Henry who was sitting on the couch at the time.

"Hello kitty."  He stroked the head of Venus.

"Her name is Venus. She seemed to like you."  Alice said watching her cat, that normally didn't like anyone but her, sympathize with Henry.  "You can have the bed, Mr. Cavill. I sleep on the couch."

Henry looked at her, then at the sofa and raised his left eyebrow.

"No way. I sleep here. I drank so much I won't even feel it."

"I thought you said you hadn't drunk almost anything."  Alice countered provocatively.

Henry smiled and then said;  "Do you always have such a good memory?"

Alice smiled in response.

"Please stay with the bed. Besides, you only have one towel covering you. I don't want to risk waking up and seeing what I shouldn't."  Played Alice sitting on a chair in a corner of the room.

"As if you haven't seen enough."  He teased, by getting up and heading towards the bedroom, staggering slightly.

Alice felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.  Then he realized that she was staring at him in the bathroom!  How was she going to go work on Monday?  She just hoped he wasn't in the office and that he wouldn't say anything to Charlie about it.

Seeing that Henry was already occupying his bed, Alice went to the bathroom to remove her makeup and brush her teeth.  After that, she realized that she forgot to get something to sleep in.  Sneaking into her room, she opened one of the drawers in her dresser and took out one of the wide T-shirts she used to sleep in.

Before leaving, she cast a look at the man asleep in her bed.  The white towel contrasted with Henry's slightly tanned skin.  His damp hair fell in curls over his forehead and Alice had to restrain the urge to remove it with her fingers.  Henry's features softened to an extreme when he slept, making him look almost angelic.  Alice shook her head and walked away when she realized she was thinking nonsense.

"Come on Venus."  The cat refused to answer Alice's call, and remained lying next to Henry's strong chest.

Lucky cat, Alice thought, closing the door behind her.

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