"Where are we going?" I asked Remus as I fell into step beside him. He was quiet for a moment, staring out over the grounds of Hogwarts.

"Andromeda's. It'll only be for a few weeks. Then the Burrow, before your next term. I believe Molly mentioned something about Bill marrying his fiance." Remus stated, and I sighed.

"Remus, why can't I just go home?" I asked, kicking a rock in my path.

"Lizzie, it's far too dangerous. If there would be raids on any houses, ours would be one of the first. You can't go there." He stated.

"Why do you assume I can't handle things for myself?" I asked irritably.

"I never said you couldn't. You should not have to. You need to focus on being a child-

"I'm not a child, Remus, I-

"Lizzie, you need to be able to enjoy your-

"You have no idea what I've seen!" I snapped, cutting Remus off. He stared at me, wide-eyed, shocked. I continued. "I have seen things that most 15 year olds have not. I was involved with things...things I don't even want to speak about! I want some normalcy in my life. I have had enough, Remus! Merlin, don't you get it?" I demanded, surprised when I felt hot tears streak down my face. Remus had stopped walking and was watching me cautiously.

I rubbed my face in irritation, angry at the sudden outburst. I hated to be weak.

"I know, darling. Please...it's only for the summer." Remus said gently. I knew that there was no winning this argument, so I sighed.

"Fine. Let's go to the bloody safehouse." I said. I took Remus' outstretched arm, and felt the crack of apparation swallow me whole.


"Thank you, Andromeda. And you, Ted. I cannot express how grateful I am-

"Nonsense, Remus! We are only so happy to do it." Andromeda had said, after Remus thanked them for a 7th time. I was sitting in one of the squishy chairs by the fire, watching the wood crackle and burn.

"Lizzie?" Remus called from the doorway, and I turned over my shoulder. He was standing in the door, looking at me expectantly.

"A word, blossom?" He asked, nodding his head toward the Tonks' garden. I followed him outside and out of earshot. He sat down on the grass, motioning at me to follow suit. I wrapped my arms around my knees and placed my chin on them.

"I have to talk to you...about something." Remus said, looking guilty. Immediately I sat up straight and became very on guard. Remus took no notice of my change in posture.

"I want to be honest with you, Lizzie, because this affects you, too. I've...grown quite fond of Nymphadora, and her of me. I really...I really tried, Lizzie. I tried to keep her away from me. My forced separation from her only caused both of us more pain." He said simply, looking at me with sad eyes.

"I could tell, Remus. I know you love her." I said, leaning closer toward him. He smiled, his face pulling up around his scars.

"Indeed. Indeed I do. Recently, life has reminded me time and time again that nothing is permanent. Every day could be my last. Therefore...I wanted to know what you thought about...about Nymphadora and I...getting married." He said.

My world rocked on it's axis. Suddenly, I felt as if my chest was going to split completely open. My heart swelled so large that it was covering my throat, and I couldn't swallow. My eyes began to sting and get hot. Remus looked at me in worry until a grin split my face for the first time in days.

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