
I put on my earbuds and listened to my playlist to fill the empty sound of my home. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up, making me immediately drop it on my face on accident. "OUCH!" I hissed, rubbing my nose.

6:48pm | Unknown:
Hello Mr. Midoriya
It's Investigator Tsukauchi (the one investigating your mom's case)
Are you free right now?
I need to ask a few questions about your mom's case

6:48pm | Me:
Where do you want to meet?
I also have to ask you a few questions since you've
probably dealt with cases like my moms

6:49pm | Unknown:
Meet @ the police station
I have my office in there

6:49pm | Me:
I'll be there in less than an hour

I put on a hoodie and went down towards the front door. "I'm heading out for a bit mom!" I called out, only to be received with the usual silence. "...Okay then..." I opened the door after putting on my shoes and left.


Once I arrived, I got directions to his office and knocked gently on the wooden frame of the door. "Mr. Tsukauchi...?"

"Come on in Midoriya." He gave me a small and warm smile and gestured at a chair in front of his desk. "Sit."

I sat down and looked at him confused. "You said you had a few questions to ask me?"

The mood of the room grew awkward. "Well... how do I put this..." He said quietly, thinking for a few seconds. I raised my eyebrow.

"What's your mom's quirk?"

"I've said multiple times that it was a form of telekinesis. She can move things with her mind, but only small things. If she goes for anything bigger than a vase she gets horrible migraines that cause her to pass out for at least a day." I clarified.

He murmured something that I couldn't hear and wrote it down on a clipboard he was holding. "Yes... um.. what about her blood type?"

"I think it was O?"

"Okay..." He scribbled something down again. "What about your father? Has he in any way tried to contac your family?"

"I would know. My mom hates him for leaving us behind. I never even met the guy." I replied, growing annoyed at the dumb interrogation. "You and a few other detectives have already asked me these questions so what gives?"

"We're just confused."

"'Confused' how?"

"It's the box."

My eyes widened and I gulped, getting flashbacks of that day. How the box smelled. How my hands were covered in blood. The photos. The note.

My chest tightened and I felt like I couldn't breathe properly anymore.

"Wh-What about i-it?" I stuttered.

"We did a blood exam. Three times actually." He sighed and slumped forwards, scratching the back of his neck. "There's no possible way it could be her, but um... we ran blood tests on the blood that was in the box and it turns out to be your mom's... but the body parts were of a girl who was kidnapped years ago sadly..."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now