Chapter 2 Bloopers!

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Scene: (Name)'s room.

Valt entered (Name)'s room and all the sudden, he got tripped. (Name) looked at him and covered her mouth, laughing.

"Valt! Are you okay?" (Name) asked between her laughed.

"I'm fine." Valt replied. He stood up as he got helped by (Name).

Scene: Shu meeting (Name) at the streets(no cars passing btw)

As Shu tapped (Name)'s shoulder, she suddenly screamed and turned around and all the sudden, she kicked Shu's private spot(you know where). Shu fell on the ground as (Name) covered her mouth as she saw Shu.

"Sorry! My bad!" (Name) apologized. Shu shakily stood up and give her a thumb up.

"I'm fine." Shu shakily replied.

Scene: Tenchi's room.

As Tenchi and (Name) were sitting on Tenchi's bed, Tenchi suddenly sneezed, making (Name) jumped a bit. She smiled a bit and glanced at Tenchi.

"Are you okay?" (Name) asked. Tenchi nodded before sneezing again.

"I think she had an allergic on something." (Name) said and laughed by herself.

Scene: Tenchi's grandfather's dojo.

(Name) and Tenchi were inside of the dojo. (Name) turned her head towards Tenchi who had her arms crossed and smirked on her lips.

"This is my grandfather's dojo. He once told me that if I need training, this place are perfect for training. You have to be careful. This dojo are old but looks new. Be careful and don't break anything. If you break any of it, find your own dojo." She said. She suddenly gasped as her eyes widened.

(Name) stared at her in shocked as her eyes widened. "That's wasn't on the script!"

"Sorry!" Tenchi covered her mouth in embarrassment. (Name) laughed.

Scene: In the forest w/ Shu.

Shu were lying on the grass as he stared up the skies. He shut his eyes for a second and then, he opened his eyes and saw a person who wore a clown mask in front of him. He suddenly screamed and shut his eyes.

Clown mask person suddenly laughing, making Shu opened his one eyes and saw (Name) who had her clown mask on her hand.

"Got you one, Shu!" (Name) said before took off. Shu quickly stood up and quickly chasing her.

"Get back here, (Name)!"



Timeskip after shooting

(Name) and Shu panting heavily. (Name) noticed there's a camera and waved.

"Hello readers!" She said. Shu also noticed and give a wave as well.

"Hey guys." He replied.

"Thanks for reading this book!" (Name) said.

"Make sure you guys vote and comments about this one. Kinda funny, isn't it, (Name)?" Shu said, glancing at (Name). (Name) nodded.

"See you guys in the next chapter, guys!" (Name) and Shu said in sync and waved. (Name) turned to Shu and smirked.

"Tag! You're it!" (Name) said as she tapped Shu's shoulder before took off. Shu jumped a bit before chasing her again.

"Get back here!"

"Catch me first!"

"We'll see about that!"



Me: I need 5 names! Comments if you guys know what names they are. Remember, I need 5 names for Fire reader, Water reader, Lightning reader, Earth reader and Wind reader. Thanks for reading girls!

>Fell In Love With A Hero<(Villain!Shu Kurenai x Hero!Reader)Season 1(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now