Chapter 2. Afterschool.

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Quick authors note: so you know how I said I was going to post on Monday? Hahaha, well that obviously didn't happen lmao. I'm a master procrastinator and it really sucks. But I promise I'll try my best and that posting on certain days a week I was talking about? Yeah, she ain't it. So I'm just gonna post whenever. Sorry lol if you wanted an actual schedule. Also I kinda change the writing a bit it's just 3rd person. Enjoy!!!

Maxine Mayfield.

Monday 3rd.
3:45 PM.

Max was standing at her locker dreading having to work afterschool. One of the worst things on Mondays is she had to work. But that's what she had to do to get the stuff she wanted but she also helped her mom pay the bills.

When she finally had all her stuff in her bag she shut her locker and saw the one and only Eleven grinning ear to ear.
"What are you thinking about?" Max asked raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing..." she said.
"You sure?" Max asked.
"Okay. Mike asked me on a date!!" El yelled.
"And? Hes taken you on dates before," I said.
"No, no. Not like this. I asked him out and we're going on a date at the secret river!!" El squealed. Max rolled her eyes as she felt something boil within her. She didnt know what but then it started to spill out.
"But that's our spot."
"Yeah. And it still will be! Just we're sharing it with Mike," she said.
"Oh, great. Another thing Mike can take away from me," Max mumbled under her breath.
"Huh?" El asked.
"It was nothing," Max lied.
"I'm going to work," Max said, swinging her bag over her shoulder.
"No hug or see you later?" El asked, kind of hurt.
"You got your boyfriend to do that. Have fun," Max said walking out the exit.

Eleven Hopper.
3:55 PM.

El was quite confused when Max stormed off in a pit of rage. It's like shes been like this ever since her and Mike got together. El would've never guessed that Max didnt like Mike. I mean, she did introduce El to Mike. El just brushed off that brief discussion and headed down the hall to where her boyfriend's locker was. There was the handsome young Mike just about ready for their date.
"Hey, babe. You ready for our date?" El asked.
"I'm always ready if it means I get to spend time with you," Mike flirted, pulling El in and kissing the side of her head as El giggled. The 2 intertwined their fingers and ean off to Mike's old handmedown pickup truck. It was a dark gray with a few rust spots here and there but it was pretty nice.

El opened the passengers door and slammed it shut since the door tended to not close if you closed it too softly. As mike started engine he said," I gotta stop at my house to pickup a few things."
"Okay," El smiled. Mike then pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the road towards his house. In Hawkind everything was close together, I mean, it is a small town after all. Mike parked his car and went inside for a few minutes. El just pullsd out her phone and opened her snapchat. She then texted Max saying sorry for whatever she did earlier. Right as she sent the message Mike reappeared with pillows and blankets.
"Whos that?" He asked throwing everything into the back.
"Its just Max. She seemed a little off earlier," El remarked.
"How so?" Mike asked.
"She didn't seem too thrilled to share our hangout spot with you," I said.
"Welk, fuck her then," Mike said. El inhaled and exhaled as she said, "Yeah. Fuck her." She felt her phone vibrate as they began to drive to the hangout.

Maxine Mayfield.
4:25 PM.

Max was in the locker room of Scoops halfway dressed when her phone went off. She picked it up and checked who it was. It was El. Before hesitating she unlocked her phone and read the message.
"Hey, Mad Max. Just wanted to say sorry for what I did earlier. I could tell you seemed mad earlier. I mean, your eyes turn gray when you're mad and you're cheeks flush so it's not too hard to pick out. Omw to Mike and I's date. Hope you have a fast shift❤❤❤" the text read. Max then began typing and second guessed herself before sending. Max could feel that there was something off with Mike. It seemed like he was gonna do something and hurt El. Max has tried her best throughout Mike and El's relationship to not say anything but it's a little hard to stay calm when you can feel your blood boil and you're face to flush.

Max set her phone in her
locker and put on the rest of her uniform and headed out to the front of the store where the cashier was.
"Looky here! It's my favorite gag friend!!" Robin, an old friend of Max's who helped her come out through the years.
"What were you up to in there?" Robin asked, scooting over to the next cashier.
"Just talking to El. She thought I was mad that her and Mike were going to our hangout but im not! I'm just worried," Max admitted.
"You seem both worried and angry," Robin said.
"Hi welcome to Scoops Ahoy, what can I get for you this evening?" Robin said quickly putting on her nice voice. It was an old man, maybe 70s or something and he seemed pretty friendly until he opened his mouth.
"Can I get a different cashier? I dont want a butch dyke to take my order!" The man yelled.
"Well sir. We are both butch dykes and the only people here. Either order your order or escort yourself out," Rovin said as nicely as possible. She had a smile glued to her face that kinda creeped Max out.
"Fucking Gen Z and there different sexualities," he muttered.
"Well you may kindly go fuck yourself and leave. I will not serve someone who has treated me so rudely," she yelled.
"Okay, Robin. Scootch," I said.
"Hello sir. There is an exit with your name on it if you dont order," Max said.
"Fine. I'll just take an chocolate ice cream shake," he said.
"Got it. We'll be right with you. Take a seat over there and we'll get it to you. That will also be 15$" Max said.
"15$? Oh nevermind. Have a good rest of your day," he said, walking off. Right when he left out the door Robin proceeded to tell Max, "Holy shit dude! How'd you handle that so calmly?!"
"I dont know!!!" Max exclaimed.

Eleven Hopper.
8:07 PM.

Mike and El were laying down in the back of Mike's pickup truck after going swimming just stargazing.
"This is one of our best dates," Mike said.
"Yeah," El said, thinking back to when her and Max did the same thing. It just didnt feel the same as it was for El and Max.

Mike then leaned in to kiss El which El happily accepted. This sweet kiss then turned into a heated makeout which also lead to Mike starting to unbutton El's shirt.
"Stop," El said between kisses but Mike didn't.
"Stop," El said a little louder but Mike kept going soon he was leaving hickies on El that El did not want.
"Stop!" She yelled, finally pushing him off.
"What the hell?!" Mike yelled.
"I told you to stop," El said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I dont want to do that with you right now," El yelled.
"I think you should leave."
"But," Mike argued.
"Go!" El yelled. El hopped off his truck and stood by the dock watching as Mike drove away angrily.

The first thing El did was call Max.
"Hey Max? What are you doing right now?" El asked.
"Sitting at home. Why?" She asked.
"Can you pick me up," El asked, her voice breaking.
"Im on my way. Sit by the dock and run your feet in the water. I'll be there as fast as i can. I love you, bye," Max quickly said before hanging up. El did exactly what Max said and dangled her feet in the water letting the tears drop down.

Maxine Mayfield.
8:25 PM.

I was sitting in my room painting a sunflower field when my phone went off. I answered the call and El said she wanted to be picked up. I didnt question if and got up. I opened the door to Billy's room where Billy and Steve were cuddling Steve asleep already.
"Hey, Bill's? Can I bower your car?" Max asked.
"Why?" Billy asked.
"El wants me to pick her up," Max said. Billy then reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys and threw them at Max. Max caught them and walked out the door driving as fast as she could to the lake. When Max pulled up the first thing she saw was El sitting by the docks like she told El to do. Max ran out to rue docks and slowly sat down next to her. El then just leaned into her and cried. She cried and cried until eventually they were both crying. When the 2 finally stopped crying they hopped into Billy's car and Max played some music at a low volume.

Max pulled up to her house and stopped the car and opened her door only to see El not come. So she went to the other side of the far and opened it to see a sleeping El. Max chuckled to herself and carefully un the buckled El's seatbelts and took her inside. Max laid her down softly on her bed and tucked her in.

Max then dialed Hopper's phone number and called him.
"Hey, Hopps," Max said.
"Why are you calling me?" He asked.
"I just wanted to let you know El's with me. Shes asleep and will be back by tomorrow," I said.
"Oh thank the lord," Hopper said.
"Have fun. Goodnight," he said.
"Night," Max exchanged back. Hopper then hung up and all Max did was crawl into bed beside El and fall asleep. Before they knew it, it was the next day and they were late. Late, late.

Small Author's Note: I DID ITTTTTT. I did chapter 2!!!!!

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