Chapter 3. Nightmares

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Warning: yes another. There are some topics of swearing, cutting, marijuana and depression pleas do not cut yourself. I have and trust me once you've done it it's hard to to get out of. If you need help call this phone line (833) 242 1689, thank you.
Eleven Hopper.
3:04 AM.

I was in a dark room. I couldnt see anything but a small light that was in the corner. I tried to move but I couldn't. The ground was cold as I sat there. Wa si naked? I heard walking and soon where the light was coming from it opened.

A figure walked down the steps and turned on the light. I could immediately recognize him. It was Mike. He was holding a whip.
"M-mike?" I asked. He just stood there menacingly before slashing me. I screamed out in agony. He then kept hitting me until eventually I was shaked. I opened my eyes gasping looking around. There Max was sitting up over me her arms on my arms.
"Jesus, El. I thought you were getting murdered," Max said, releasingnher grasp.
"Sorry. It was just a nightmare," I said, sitting up as well. I brought my hands go my face and took a deep breath. Max put her hand on my back and traced circles calming me down.
"How about we go back to sleep," she said.
"Yeah. Sounds like a plan," I said. We both played down and I laid down on her chest listening to her heartbeat. It's like whenever im with Max it always clams me down. Theres like some relaxing and comforting thing about it. I tried to match my breathing to hers and soon enough I was asleep.

Maxine Mayfield.
11:39 AM.

"Wake up shitheads. You missed school," Billy said standing at the doorway.
"Oh, shut up Billy," I said,rubbing my eyes.
"Its fine. I called you 2 in. It seemed like she had a rough night so," Billy said.
"Billy?!" I heard. It was Steve yelling down the hall.
"I finished breakfast!"
"I gotta go ear that. Wake up your girlfriend and maybe I'll save you some," he said before running down the hallway.
"Shes not my girlfriend!" I yelled. I then felt El shift and saw her eyes flicker open seeing her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"Did I wake you?" I asked.
"No. Well when you yelled "shes not my girlfriend" you did," she said. If elt my face flush and she chuckled.
"Well Billy said he might save some breakfast for us if we get up," I said.
"Oh, shit. We gotta get food," El said sitting up and running towards the kitchen.
"Hey wait up!" I yelled following after her. When we got to the kitchen Billy was behind Steve hugging him and swaying while music played in the background.
"Morning," Steve said flipping an egg.
"Morning," El and I said in sync. We both sat down and Steve tried to push Billy off of him but Billy just picked him up and spun around.
"Stop Bill!!" Steve yelled laughing. El and I shared a look and just giggled. Billy set him down and Steve gave us our breakfast. We all ate it all and just talked. Once we were done El and I both agreed we would take a trip down to the forest and take a walk.

Eleven Hopper.
12:05 PM.

So Max and I were in the forest in her backyard just making jokes and doing the things we always did. Everything was fine until Max asked a question.
"Can you tell me what happened last night?"
"Um... I guess," I said. Shes my best friend, i cant tell her no. We tell each other everything. Sow e both sat down on a fallen tree and I explained everything.
"That son of a bitch," she siad, crackungnher knuckles.
"Im gonna go give him a piece of my mind," Max said. Her eyes were the darkest grey normally they were blue but they aren't right now.
"No, no," I said.
"Why the hell not?" She asked.
"Because I still love him!" I yelled.
"So what am I supposed to do? Wiat around until you get hurt? I dont want to do that anymore. This always happens. Mike does something and you still gr back with him. It's getting repetitive and if you do this again... i dont know what i would do," she said.
"Its either him or me. Your choice," she said, giving me an ultimatum. I saw the tears in her eyes and it hurt me. My eyes also began to water.
"I-I-I cant," I said. She scoffed.
"Of course. Have fun getting hurt. I'm only looking out for you," she said, storming deeper into the woods.
"Max, I- wait!" I yelled chasing after her.
"Go fuck yourself Eleven," Max said. I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around and began running, running to my hearts content. I didn't know when to where I was going but I knew I wanted to run. When I finally stopped running I was in front of Mike's house. I dont know why but I was. I knocked on the door and there Ms. Wheeler appeared.
"Oh, El! Mike was actually was gonna ask you to come over," she said.
"Cool," I said.
"I'm going to a friends. Have fun," she said walking out the door. I then stormed to Mike's room and opened it closing it behind me. I then hopped on top of him and began making out with him. He didnt question it.
"Wait El. What's the matter? You said you didnt want to do it last night. Why do you want to now?" He asked.
"Because, I realized that I need to make my own decisions," I said, sitting on top of him. He then smirked and began to take off my shirt and get to it.

Maxine Mayfield.
1:49 PM.

I was in my room again, my door was locked and my shirt was off. I was hot as fuck after going halfway into the forest. I went into my socks and underwear drawer and grabbed my stash of weed and pipe and sat in the chair next to my window. I dont smoke weed that much but when im stressed I do it a lot. Its like a relaxing mechanism. El has yelled at me a lot for it and has told me it's bad for ke but theres not really any deaths by marijuana back in the day.

So there I was delicately packing my weed into the pipe. When it was to my liking I lit it up and smoked it immediately calming down. I should have given El an ultimatum. But it is annoying, her and Mike are always on and off and I hate seeing her hurt. I guess the way I worded it was rude. I really hope El will forgive. And right then and there I tried calling her but it went straight to voice mail. I hit the window sail hard hurting my hand. Fuck, she blocked me.

I then went back into my drawer and grabbed my razor. I've done this many times. I then put on a long sleeve and headed to the bathroom. I started the tub and went in. I hesitated before gliding the razor against my skin. I never cut too low but enough to bleed. I saw the other scars from cutting but didnt care. I kept going until I felt like stopping and that was when there was 5 cuts. I let my arm soak in the tub until the water was a muddy red. Fuck it, if I die who would care. I just lost my best friend what else would I lose? I emptied the tub and put back on my clothes and wrapped my arm in gauze. J went to my room and played my music falling asleep.

Eleven Hopper.
2:34 PM.

I was laying in the same bed as Mike only Mike was asleep on top of me. I could feel the regret fill up in my stomach. Something didnt feel right. The sex was fine but I didnt seem to enjoy it. I moved Mike's arm off of me and got out of bed. I slipped on my pants and shirt and got out of there as fast as I could. I needed to figure this out. Who would I choose? I sighed and went back home to my house where my dad waited impatiently.
"Where the hell were you?!" He asked.
"I was at Max's!" I siad.
"Really? I just called there and Max's brother said you weren't there so you better make up a better excuse young lady," Hopper said.
"Fine! I wa sat Mike's only because Max and I got into a fight. Jesus Christ. You happy?" I yelled. He stayed silent.
"Exactly," I said storming off to my room. I locked the door and sat in front of it. I tried to calm myself down but the panic set in. I just lost my virginity to Mike. 
Fuck... what am I going to do?

Authors note: Hahaha. Cliff hanger. I just wanted to release this before tomorrow. I guess I just suddenly gotten inspiration and now I can write all of a sudden. I promise I will make another chapter for my other book just right now I'm having trouble. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you all💜💜💜

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