Chapter 1. Cesium

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Maxine Mayfield.

Monday 3rd
5:50 AM.

I woke up to my alarm for the 4th time this morning, I peeked my eye open to check what time it is to see if I could get a tad bit more sleep.

Last night I studied until 1:00 AM way past my bedtime to make sure I would get a straight A on my upcoming test this morning.

I sat up kicking my legs over the side, planting my feet flat on the ground. I stood up and began to stretch before grabbing all my stuff and putting it in my bag. I grabbed my black tanktop, my camo shorts and combat boots and quickly changed into those. I grabbed my favorite red sweater tying it around my waist. I tied my shoes tight before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs where my mom was cooking blueberry pancakes. I skipped right towards the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast.
"Your hair is all tangled, go brush it out," she said, stirring the pancake batter hard.
"Wow mom, no good morning or how was your sleep?" I asked.
"Nope. Your hair will fall out if you don't," she said.
"Just because that worked on me as a kid doesn't mean it will now," I said, walking down the hall.
"Wake up your brother and his boyfriend would ya?" She yelled down the hall.
"Yeah, yeah," I said. I went up the stairs back to my room and began brushing out my hair mumbling ow through every snarl. When my hair got to the way I wanted it to be I grabbed one of my hair ties putting my hair up in a ponytail leaving my baby hairs out since they fell out anyways. I looked down and saw my bracelet that I almost forgot. I slipped it on before walking out. I skipped down the hall stopping in front of my brothers door. I then knocked a tune along his door before he opened it annoying.
"Mom's making blueberry pancakes," I said, my face turning into a sly grin.
"What's Steve doing?" I asked.
"Sleeping, now would you kindly leave?" He asked.
"As you wish," I said, bowing before running down the stairs towards the dining table where my pancakes sat.
"Thanks mom," I said before shoveling the food in my mouth. Soon after Billy and Steve walked out and sat down.
"What do you guys have to do today?" My mom asked.
"I have to do a test for math," I said.
"I have an assignment to turn in for college," Steve said.
"And I need to go to work," Billy mumbled.
"Well, I'm gonna head over to El's house," I said.
"Dont stay out too late," she yelled.
"Mkay," I said. I walked to the door and shut the door grabbing my skateboard and skating to El's house. I did a couple Ollie's before arriving st her house. I picked my skateboard up and rang the door bell.
"I'll get it!" I heard the voice muffled but oh so familiar.

The door open and there a beaming El was. Her face lit up as soon as she saw me and she immediately grabbed my hand.
"Come, come. Upstairs!" She said.
"Hey Max," Joyce said. She was sitting on the couch while Hopper was cooking food.
El pulled me down the hall and turned into her room and she shut the door.
"Sit and close your eyes," she said. I obliged and put my hands over my eyes waiting to see what she was doing. I soon felt something be gently placed on my thighs.
"Okay, you can open them now," she said. There on my lap was a present, it wasn't a big one but a rather small box with a ribbon tied to it. I smiled and tugged the ribbon unraveling it's perfect rapping.
I took off the lid and there laid a ring, I picked it up and looked at it finding a carving in it. The carving said, "El and Max." I smiled and embraced El in a hug inhaling her strong scent of her strawberry perfume. She wore all the time since Joyce had gotten it for her birthday and El didnt want to be rude.
"Thanks, El," I said.
"Look. I have one too!" She said, lifting her hand to show a ring Exactly like mine. I grinned even wider and put on the ring on my left hand on my middle finger. We sat there in silence just staring, I couldnt tell you how hard it was not to kiss then but I controlled myself. None of my friends had any idea I liked El, Hell, even me liking girls.
"We should probably get going," she said.
"Yeah," I said. We both stood and walked down the hall.
"Bye mom, bye dad!" El yelled before we closed the front door. El picked up her bike and we both headed down the road.


Eleven Hopper.

8:45 AM

Max and I had just made it in time to Chemistry when the bell rang. We took a seat in the far right set our bags on the floor.
"Goodmorning, class. I see you all had a good weekend. Sleeping in, maybe?" He said, looking over at Max and I. I looked down at the desk as my face flushed.
"Take out your laptops and your textbook. Please turn to page 85 and discuss with the person next to you what you think would happen if you mix cesium and water," he said. I grabbed my laptop and textbook and opened the page to page 85.
"I think mixing Cesium and water will make it explode," I said.
"Yeah. Cesium is a really reactive alkali metal so it would probably explode if water were poured into it," Max said.
"Mr. James seems pretty high," I whispered. Max then began to crack up.
"Oh, shut it!" She lectured.
"Alright class, please quiet down and I will show what happens when Cesium and Water mix," he said. He turned out the lights and turned on his smart board. He clicked the video and presumably showed us a man mixing cesium and water which indeed caused an explosion.
"Today in class we will be trying this experiment. Please get into groups of 2 and grab your glasses and coats. We are going outside for this one," he said. When we alk were ready he led us out the exit door.

There, there was 6 buckets all with the ingredient right next to them.

"Everyone I would like you to watch carefully," he said.
"First you grab your calcium and pour a cup of it inside the bucket. Then you take your half cup and pour your water. Now pour the water in and run!" He yelled. We all frantically walked back and watched the magic. It then exploded going everywhere and just when we thought it was gonna stop it started again. When it was finally done Mr. James called is back to the circle.
"Now as you can see it exploded. Why?" Because Cesium is one of the most reactive alkali metals. When it comes into contact with water, it reacts to form cesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. This reaction occurs so rapidly that a hydrogen bubble forms around the cesium, rises to the surface, which then exposes the cesium to the water causing further exothermic reaction which ignites the hydrogen gas. This cycle repeats until all of the cesium is tired," he said.
"Now be careful. Back away as soon as you add the water unless you want to be burned," he said. We all went into our spots and began to do it.
"Okay, so 1 cup of cesium and half a cup of water. I'll get the cesium and you get the water," i said. I ran to the cesium bag and got myself a cup of cesium and waited for max to come with the water. I poured in the cesium and Max put in the water.
"RUN!!!" I yelled jokingly, we both ran away laughing. We came back and there was a big hole in the middle of our bucket.
"Students! The bell is going to ring soon so we all need to go back inside and get our stuff," Mr. James yelled.

Max and I were the first ones to enter the classroom along with a few others. We all then got our stuff and waited in our seats until the bell rung. Max and I didnt have the same class after this so we went our separate ways and went to our classes.



Hello, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to this book. Sorry this is posted so late, but ya girl is a procrastinator so. I really an excited for this book like I said in the description. Imma stop rambling and have you enjoy the rest of your day/evening/night. Goodbye!!!❤

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