School's Out For Summer!

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Maxine Mayfield.
1:03 PM.

Max had not intended on the school year to go by so fast but it just did. She was in the middle of English Class when the bell rang signaling it was time for their annual Field Day. Something the schools done since elementary, its a day when your split off into different groups and work together to complete each competition. Max was well, pretty competitive so whenever her team didn't win she would be pissed. She knew she probably got some of Billy's anger issues rubbed off on her but that's not her fault!

The students piled out into the Soccer field in the back of the school going into their separate groups. The principal was graceful enough to place El and Max on the team them standing together in the back.
"Hi~eeeeeee" El said, smiling as she kissed her girlfriend as a guy behind them curled his lip in disgust. Max looked over at him glaring him looking away leaving Max smiling widely. 

"Alright guys! Settle down, settle down. Okay! We are Team F, the first place we will be starting at is at Obstacle 6! Everyone go over there!" Mrs. Johnson, one of the group's favorite teachers yelled. El and Max walked calmly while everyone else ran excitedly. Max was on the track team and could easily out run all of them but she didn't feel like leaving her girlfriend in the dust. 

Obstacle 6 was a simple obstacle. A balloon is set on a chair and you have to pop more balloons with your ass then the other team in a minute. The other team happened to be Team D which was full of most of the jocks. Max was first in line before the whistle blew signaling that they may start. Max was quick to pop her balloon while the other kid struggled. Max grinned as 2 more of their teammates popped the balloons before the guy finally got the balloons. The two teams ended up in a close tie Team F winning by a mere 2 points before the whistle blew.

Max was quite thankful for the win since her ass hurt from plopping down onto the chair. The chairs that the school had were very uncomfortable especially when you're sitting down with that much force. The next obstacle was Obstacle 7. Obstacle 7 was pretty self explanatory, you basically throw the horse shoe onto the pole before passing to the other side. Max got through easily while El struggled due to her bad aiming. After around 20 seconds she finally got it and crossed over to the other side. After the whistle blew they moved onto Obstacle 8.

Now Obstacle 8 was Max's favorite. It was a running contest between two teams. They were faced with a running game. Basically, both teams are on the same side and they have to race to the soccer net and whatever team makes it to the soccer net they get to move on. Max looked to the side to see Mike and Lucas sticking out like a sore thumb in the team beside them due to their awkwardness. Max el Mike and Lucas all shared a wave before the whistle blew signaling that they would start. Max was in the back at first before the end pushing herself faster and faster eventually ending up in the front carrying her team as a lot of her teammates stopped halfway. It was just Max and Eric, one of her components that had always beat her during their 2-mintue sprint and their pacing tests. 

Max wouldn't let him win this time, no. She knew she could run faster and longer then Eric but that didn't stop Eric from catching up to Max who was tiring her self out. That wouldn't happen this time, Max had been smart about it this time smirking as she noticed Eric slowing down eventually coming to a stop as Max hit the Soccer net with her hand before jumping out in excitement. 
"EAT THAT CAMER!" Max shouted as she flipped him off excitedly as her teammates cheered happily. Max's victory was soon interrupted by the whistle going off signaling them to move to the next Obstacle. Obstacle 9 was not one of Max's strong suits, it was numbers and riddles and Max could never keep numbers in her mind for that long without forgetting it. And she always got frustrated when trying to solve a riddle.
"I've got this one this time, Maxine," El said, placing her hand on Max's shoulder. Max mouthed a thank you before they got ready. What they had to do was place the numbers in a correct order following a riddle. Max didn't listen very much forgetting the riddle as soon as the words left the counselor's lips. El did though soon figuring it out placing the numbers in order ending up with '6-1-1-3-4-9' 

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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