Bringing The Party Back Together.

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Max's POV.
7:22 PM.

Ever since El and Mike had broken up the entire party has been broken up. Will Mike and Lucas have been in a separate group and Dustin, El and Max were in the other. The party has experienced this before just not this bad. They were only like this once and it lasted 2 days. But now it had been weeks without either group communicating and Max wasn't having it. So what isnt better than a party. A small party just for the party. 

Max opened up her phone and texted everyone reminding them where to meet which was at the park down Main. Max felt her nerves kick in as she sat on a swing thinking about how some of The Party may not show.

Max swung as she starred at her red converse remembering how it took her a really long time to save up to get them. That was 3 years ago now, Max knew her feet barely fit in them but she didnt mind since there were more important things than her shoes.

Max lifted her head as she heard her name from in front of her. She looked up to see the oh so familiar Lucas, her ex...

Max stood up doing their weird ass handshake that The Party had made when they were 12.
"How's it been?" Lucas asked, smiling as he slipped his hands into his very vibrant red vest.
"Pretty good," Max responded while nodding.
"Um, you?" Max asked, taking a quick breath before.
"Meh. Mike has been pretty off lately. Also him and Will have been hanging out way more thsn usual," Lucas said. Just before she was hoing to respond Dustin had appeared.
"Hey, dusty bun!" Max teased at Dustin. A year ago Dustin had started dating a girl named Suzie and whenever they would talk they would use nicknames and Dustin's nickname just so happened to be Dusty bun.
"Hey, Maximus," Dustin also teased. The 3 swung on the swings just talking about random shit as they waited for the rest of The Party.

Soon enough El had appeared and Max ran ovwr to her hugging her.
"Hey, Els," Max said, holding El grinning from ear to ear.
"Hello~" El responded smiling back at Max wanting to kiss her so bad. The two looked back at Dustin and Lucas who had been talking in their own seperate world.

El and Max walked back over to them and they began climbing the playground landing on top of a pirate ship in the spot where they would look to see incoming land.
"Oo!" Dustin said in the middle of their conversation as he dug through his pockets. Everyone furrowed their brows as they starred at Dustin who had still been looking through his pockets.
"Anyone wanna smoke?" He asked, pulling out the luxurious weed.
"Hell yeah! You alwayd get the good stuff," Max said, taking the baggy from him. Dustin moved it out of reach.
"You do have something to smoke it with?" He asked as Max glared.
"Um... let me look," Max said, taking her bag off her back and looking through the mess.  She finally came across her amazing and beloved pipe. She looked at Dustin expectedly waiting for him to give it to her.
"What?" He asked.
"The weed, Dustin! The weed!" Lucas said, grabbing the baggy and handing it to Max. Max smiled cheekily at Dustin before packing the weed into the pipe. She grabbed her lighter and lit it taking a hit before passing it to Dustin.

"So when is Will and Mike getting here?" El asked. El was the one who originally thought of the idea of bringing The Party back together. Max shrugged as she took the joint from Dustin. She took a puff as she pulled out her phone texting Mike.


Max: You coming?
Mike is typing.
Mike: Yeah. Had to get Will, we'll be around 10 mins.
Max: kk. Hurry, Dustin might run out of weed😳
Mike: kay.

Max turned off her phone taking another puff before offering it to El. El shook her head.
"Come on, El! You never smoke!" Dustin said.
"That's because my dad is a cop!" El argued. Max held it in front of El for another second before El sighed taking it from Max.
"Maybe one puff won't hurt," El said, lifting the joint to her lips. Max couldn't help but let her mind wander as she day dreamed about just pulling El in and kissing her. Max's thoughts got interrupted as Dustin yelled out.
"They're around the block!"
"Shit! Really?" Max asked, trying to see where Dustin was looking. Sure enough, there was Will and Mike, holding hands?

Max shrugged it off as she began climbing down helping El get down first. They all ran down the road doing their handshake with each other. El stood a little further away, awkwardly.

Max rolled her eyes walking over to El who had been starring at the ground.
"Hey, El," Max said, standing next to El her arms behind her back.
"Hi," El said, breaking her starring contest with the road to look at Max.
"Whatcha doin'??" Max asked, fiddling with her bracelet behind her back.
"Trying to avoid everyone," El said.
"Come on, El! Its been nearly a whole month! You can't avoid Mike forever," Max encouraged.
"Yeah, but I will while I still can," El said. Max frowned at her before grabbing El's wrist, practically dragging her towards Mike who had been talking amongst the rest of the party. Max pushed her into the circle and Mike and El made quick eye contact.

The whole interaction itself was awkward as hell but as the party began to talk it gradually got better.

By the end of the evening El Max and Dustin were left just swinging on the swings talking shit.
"Hey guys, I have to get going, you know how my mom is," Dustin said, slowing his swing.
"Awwww.... party pooper," Max said, jumping off looking at Dustin with a frown. Max was slightly relieved although Max and El had spent the entirety of the month hanging out(mostly talking and smooching) she still yearned to be alone with her.

After the 2 said their goodbyes Max and El were left there standing in the park as the sun had nearly set. Max began climbing up the playground ladder before leaning on the half wall looking down at El.
"Come on up, Ellio!" Max teased a smirk playing at her lips.
"What? No! Are you a kid?" El joked back.
"Mentally, yes. Physically, no," Max admitted. El rolled her eyes pulling her self up on the half wall ignoring the very obvious ladder next to them. El stood on the other side of the wall smiling cheekily at Max. Max smiled back just as giddy.

The two began to inch closer before their lips finally collided making Max feel happier than before when they couldn't even hold hands. Max did enjoy them being together secretly but she hated not being able to kiss El's sweet lil lips.

Max pulled back admiring El's beauty and every inch of her face. 
"What? Do I have something on my face?" El joked.
"Actually, yeah," Max lied. El's eyes widened in fear, El hated having stuff on her face and not knowing. El frantically wiped her face as Max giggled before snorting making her laugh even harder. El furrowed her eyes at Max wanting to know what was so funny.

El climbed over to better look at Max.
"What is so funny, you dimwit?" El asked.
"I-I... I don't think you can wipe away perfection," Max says, before giggling again.
"You bitch! I thought I had something on my face!" El yelled punching Max in her shoulder as many times as she could.
"Okay, okay, ouch!" Max said, grabbing El's arm just before it collided with her shoulder.
"Can I come over tonight?" Max asked.
"Yeah. My dad is taking a late shift," El said, smiling at the image of cuddling with Max in her bed as the two went on an Adam Sandler movie binge on her TV in her room.
"Coolio. I just need to text my brother," Max said, reaching in her pocket. After a few minutes Max got the answer and the two were off on their way to El's house.

El and Max stood in front of El's door as El fiddled through her Keychain trying to find the right key. El finally got it right and the door creaked open and the two walked in Max shutting the doors El pulled off her Doc Martens. Max pulled off her boots and they made their way upstairs into El's room.

Max collapsed onto El's oh so familiar bed shutting her eyes. El searched through her messy desk for her remote. After a few seconds of moving stuff around she found it way on the bottom.

El walked over to her light switch and turned it off. She then went over by Max who had already been under the covers comfy. Max lifted up the comforter offering El to cuddle with her. El went under the covers and placed her head on Max's chest turning on Netflix. Max moved her hand to play with El's hair as El scrolled.
"Um. There's a new movie called Murder Mystery, it has Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston," El suggested. Max too busy playing with El's hair just nodded.   El put it on and the movie was pretty good. By the end of it El was fast asleep while Max was just admiring how peaceful El looked while she was asleep.

Max changed the TV and put on Rick and Marty before trying to fall asleep. And there they laid asleep in El's bed peacefully. Not giving a shit for the world.

AN: Holy shit, I finally got this chapter done! I'm the best😎 I'm really sorry for taking an entire month to write this but writers block and my procrastination is the worst in the world. I've been so busy babysitting but I don't mind since I get paid. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next chapter. Bye!!!

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