Chapter 6. Michael Wheeler.

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Mike Wheeler.

8:04 PM.

So there I was, standing outside El's door in the pouring rain holding flowers ready to apologize. What I did was shitty and I wanted to make up for it. I stood there awkwardly awaiting the door to open.
"Mike?" El asked, opening the door. I heard the TV in the living room on so I assumed she was just watching TV.
"Hey, El!" I said, smiling widely.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, furrowing her brows.
"I wanted to apologize about the other night. I was a little drunk, which isnt an excuse! And I know I went too far and should've listened when you said stop. I was also hoping that maybe we could maybe date again," I said, rambling.
"I also!...brought you these," I said, reaching my hand out to give her the flowers.
"Mike. That's really sweet but... I don't think we can date anymore. I don't feel like I used to before," she said. I felt my face flush as her words sunk in.
"Oh, yeah! Haha, that's probably for the better. I'll just um...get going," I said, pointing behind me. I walked slowly away trying to seem as okay as possible. I held in my tears and walked through the rain.

To my surprise I saw someone biking alone in the rain on the road behind me. They were getting closer and I soon recognized them as Will.
"Mike Wheeler, what are you doing out in the rain?" Will asked, pulling to a stop. I sniffled.
"Nothing. I could ask you the same," I said.
"I was biking home from a concert," he said, gestering to his back which had his guitar case.
"Oh, shit. I totally forgot about that," I said, crossing my arms as I remembered how cold it was.
"It's fine. I know you've been kind of distraught over El, so..." he said.
"Wanna hang out?" I asked.
"At 8:30 at night?" Will asked, furrowing his brows.
"Please?" I asked, my voice breaking.
"Y-yeah. Hop on then," Will said. I hopped onto his bike placing my feet on the pegs and off we went.

We arrived at his house in less than 10 minutes and we were both soaking wet so we quickly changed.
"Well, magic Will. You should show me what you were playing at the concert," I suggested, as we were sitting on his bed.
"What? No. You probably wouldn't like it," he argued.
"Please~" I begged, doing puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes before standing up. He opened his guitar case grabbing his guitar sitting down. He turned it and began strumming the strings to Take on Me.
"Talking away

I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, okay?

Take on me, (take on me)
Take me on, (take on me)
I'll be gone
In a day or two

So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But I'll be stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK
Say after me
It's no better to be safe than sorry

Take on me,
Take me on,
I'll be gone
In a day or two..." he sang. Will always had a really good singing voice and it always calmed my nerves when he did sing. I didn't realize I was staring until he looked up from the guitar locking eyes with me. I felt myself fluster as I looked away, my  stomach giving a flutter. And then it hit me, I had a crush on Will. Will fucking Byers. The boy I've been friends with since the 3rd grade.
"Hey, Mike?" Will asked.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking back at him.
"You good?" He asked, his eyes giving a look of worry. And then I broke down. I sobbed like a little baby as Will embraced me in a hug. He shushed me, running his fingers through my hair calming me down.

He pulled back his hands moving to my cheeks.
"Mike-" he said before I leaned forward pecking him on the lips. I pulled back before he could react. I quickly stood up.
"I am so sorry, Will I-" I said before Will got up pulling me in for a kiss. We then began heavily making out running each other's hands along each other's bodies. A bright light shone through Will's window and we turned our heads to see that his mom had arrived home.

We panicked pulling apart. Will threw a comic book at me and he grabbed his guitar. We sat down and I pretended I was reading and Will pretended he was practicing playing guitar.
"Hey, hun. I'm sorry for coming home late but- oh, Mike! I didnt know you were here!" Joyce rambled as she looked at me.
"Yeah. We ran into each other while we were walking home and I decided I should hang out here," I explained.
"Cool. You need to come here more often, I miss my little Mike Wheeler," she joked. I chuckled as my eyes wandered off to look at Will. We gazed at each other for a few seconds before snapping our attention back to Joyce.
"Well I brought home pizza in case you guys were hungry," she said, pointing her thumb back.
"Oh, hell yeah," I said, standing up, running to the kitchen.
"Language!" She yelled after me. Will followed soon after. We each grabbed a slice before leaning against the counter.
"I'm going to take a shower. Just knock if you need anything," Joyce said. I nodded towards her and she went into the bathroom. Will then began to talk.
"So did that thing back there mean anything to you?" He asked, avoiding eye contact.
"Of course it did! If I didn't like it I wouldn't have made out with you," I said, winking at him before taking a bite of pizza. He blushed.
"I was just wondering in case of you maybe wanting to do it again," he offered. I felt my face turn into a grin as he bit his lip. I set my pizza down before pushing off the counter pulling him in for a soft, slow kiss. I snaked my hands around his waist as he shivered at the sudden touch. He pulled back looking down letting out a shaky breath.
"What are we now?" He whispered looking up at me.
"Whatever you want us to be," I whispered back.
"Good, then I guess we are boyfriends," he said, smiling. I smiled back before kissing him again. We went back to eating the pizza and talked about random shit before we got tired and laid down. We laid in his bed cuddling as I whispered sweet nothings to him, making him giggle. Soon enough we got tired and we fell asleep.

A.N: I think I actually might like this chapter for once. Also I know it wasn't from Max's or El's pov but I thought it'd be nice to go into Mike's pov. I do love Mike as a character just not as El's boyfriend. Maybe I just want too many gay relationships. Anyways, I will assure you that it will be back to our favs El and Max next chapter. I can also promise more povs of Mike or Will in the future because I love byler too.

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