Green with Jealousy

Start from the beginning

He doesn't see Belial as a blind woman. No, he saw her as powerful even if he laid his eyes on her hidden scars. Accepting all of her, Belial saw him as one of a kind that she could never replace. Finishing her last fry, Belial picks up her trash to walk back inside the hotel. Arriving the hotel's lobby, she was greeted by Vaggie who is sitting on one of the chairs. In the moth demon's hand is a pile of papers. Belial throws away her trash into the trash can next to the front desk then approach the woman. 

"How's the plan going?" Belial asks since she can't help much, only provide suggestions if asked. Vaggie turns to the next page. "It's slow but it going smoothly." She replies. Belial smiles from the reply. "Great-"

"We would go a bit faster if she doesn't make it obvious with her secret glances towards him." Vaggie grumbles under her breath, "It would be better if we don't include Alastor or Mimzy to this party." She quietly express her distrust to the both of them. Belial pats her left shoulder to give her silent support. "Don't worry about it, V. Just focus on making the party the best thing in Hell." Belial reminds her, "Pup is counting on you to make it right." Vaggie gives her a gentle smile, thanking her. She shouldn't stress herself on little things, the main goal is making the party and have new clients for their project. 

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by Charlie who waves to them with a wide smile. Following her is Alastor and Mimzy. Vaggie glances at the duo behind Charlie to see Mimzy's eyes sharpen when landing on Belial. Alastor looks down at Mimzy who gives him a sweet smile as if her glare never happens. Alastor turns back to face Belial. It seems his mood is brighten slightly when he lands his eyes on the blind woman. "There you are, Aunt Bel. I was wondering if you can walk Mimzy back to the club since it is late." Charlie asks in a soft voice. Belial stood straight up then gives them a grin. 

"Sure, no problem." 

Her reply made Mimzy's grin twitch. The flapper wants Alastor to escort her back to the club but he simply said that he is busy currently since he is taking part of the party building. The next person who can escort her back is the fallen angel since she is working as security. Mimzy silently curses in her head. She questions Charlie's sanity since Belial isn't much to the eye.

Alastor spoke up in a lively voice. "Wonderful! You are fortunate to have someone like our darling Belial escorting you back!" He adds. Mimzy's head turns to Alastor, surprised at this endearing title to Belial's name. Belial coughs behind her right hand when her heart beats wildly against her chest when hearing Alastor's words. 

Not now, you are on the job...

She is able to display her usual composure even though her emotions are haywire within her. This doesn't help her hatred towards the blind woman at all. Belial gave Mimzy a welcoming smile, "Now then, shall we?" She walks towards the front door with Mimzy following suit. "Have a good night, Mimzy!" Alastor said. Mimzy said her farewells to Alastor then the group. Her lips press together to a thin line when she turns back to Belial. 


They left the hotel with Belial walking beside Mimzy's right. Mimzy notices that the demons who usually made snide and crude remarks towards her becoming silent and some of them showing fear when they laid eyes on Belial. "Hmph...they are just weak anyways." Mimzy silently told herself since she believes that Belial isn't all that powerful like Alastor. Her blood boils at the thought of Alastor's title for Belial. Not trying to hide her distaste towards Belial, Mimzy studies her appearance and silently judges every bit of her. 

"Why she is even wearing sunglasses? Is she too good for us that she won't even look at us without it?" Mimzy thought to herself. Belial stops to look down at Mimzy. "Something wrong?" She asks out of concern since she felt something off from the flapper. Mimzy growls under her breath. Then, Mimzy pulls Belial away from the side walk to behind one of the building - out of sight. Belial doesn't know what is going on as her back press against the brick wall. Mimzy took out a switchblade from the hidden strap close to her left thigh. 

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