Be My Girlfriend for Next Week

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"I'll explain later. Someone's watching and they need to know I'm with you," she whispered, her voice slightly shivering in fear.

Who might be watching that has got her so terrified? Deciding the rational thing to do right now is get into the building, I place my hand on her waist lightly, leading her back to the office, all the while keeping an eye out for anything suspicious that might be the source of her fear. When we were inside, her body visibly relaxed beside me, and I unwillingly let go of her waist as she followed me into the elevator. I watched as she closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing, her palms clenched together. We reached my room, and I asked her to take a seat, offering her a glass of water. She thanked me before slowly drinking it, as I sipped on my coffee, which she had miraculously managed to save amidst all my confusion and her fear.

"Valentina," I said, and she looked up at me, her eyes glistening with sadness.

"What happened out there?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest, standing right beside her.

"My past was not easy Mr. Knight. There are things which I've vowed never to look back to," she managed to say, her voice stuttering ever so slightly as she looked down at her lap. I bent my knee and kneeled halfway right in front of her, and she looked at me with a pained expression.

"You don't have to tell me now. It's fine, Valentina. But whenever you're ready to discuss it, I'll be here," I fought the urge to caress her delicate face as she smiled at me thankfully.

"Thank you for playing along," she said, and I nodded.

She seriously thinks she needs to thank me for hugging her back. As if it's not something I've wanted to do ever since the moment I met her. My phone rang and I sighed in frustration as my mom's name flashed across the screen.

"Good morning, mom," I replied, standing up as Valentina listened to me intently, with curiosity.

"Sweetheart, I'm extremely disappointed in you," she said, sniffling.

"Mom, is everything alright?" I asked.

"You-Xavier Alexander Knight, you have a girlfriend, and I don't even know about it," she said, pretending to be deeply offended.

"Huh?" I replied in total confusion.

"Don't 'huh' me, Alexander. How could you do this to me?"

"Mom, I do not have a girlfriend," I tried to correct her.

"Nonsense. The tabloids just uploaded your pictures," she said.

What in the fucking world was she on about? I quickly scrolled through my laptop to find that some sleazy photographer had leaked photographs of me hugging Valentina, and another where she kissed me. I heard a small gasp beside me as Valentina looked at the pictures as well.

"Hello? ALEXANDER!" My mom yelled.

"I'm here, mom. I don't know what to say," I replied, unable to find the words to explain the situation to her. How fucking fast were this people? And how do they not have anything to do in their lives? Do they fucking hang around the building waiting to photograph me with someone and upload the pictures the next second?

"You can start with a sorry. And then you can bring your girlfriend to our house next week for a party," she said, and I froze.

"What party?" I asked, looking at Valentina as she looked at me in confusion and worry.

"The one we're throwing because you finally have a girlfriend," she efficiently replied.

"Mom, it's too soon. I can't bring her over next week," I tried to reason with her.

"Oh you should have thought about that before deciding not to tell me anything about her. Both of you will be here for dinner next week. Don't make me drag you out of that office myself, Alexander," she warned.

"Uh-okay, we'll be there, mom," I said, not entirely sure of what to do.

"That's better see you next week, dear!" she ended the call leaving me dumbfounded.

"Why are those pictures up for everyone to see?" Valentina asked, visibly worried.

"Um-you need to be my girlfriend for next week," I said, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Excuse me?" she asked, startled by my question.

Fucking explain, Knight.

"Well, my mother saw those pictures and now she thinks you're my girlfriend and she wants us over for dinner next week," I say, carefully observing her reaction.

"No way, Mr. Knight. I'm your secretary. Can't you say explain it to them?" she questioned.

"Okay, are you prepared to explain what happened?"

"Um-not really," she mumbled, answering her own question.

"Exactly. Besides, it's just for one dinner. It's practically harmless, and my mother is a nice person," I half-heartedly joke.

"I really don't know how I feel about this, but I don't want to create trouble for you, especially after you helped me," she said, shyly.

"I'm sorry for thrusting this on you at such a time," I apologized, feeling guilty for making her feel uncomfortable. She smiled at me reassuringly, and walked out, telling me she has to arrange some meetings and finish paperwork. I really hope this doesn't mess things up between us. 

Roommates With My BossHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin