Carpe Diem pt. 2

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This is the final chapter of Remeforn. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting, and I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself and my work.

Rox thought she was going to have a heart attack, and part of her hoped that she did. Even though Daniel wasn't there, her heart was still beating out of her chest. He'd gone to 'work', but Rox stayed in her room all day, at Daniel's request. Well, not really. Rox had snuck her duffle bag out of Mila's room and back to her own. She'd packed knives, clothes, and food to last herself the two weeks it would take her to make it to New York. The very last thing she packed was the drawing Daniel had made of her. He was truly talented and it was the only thing she had to remember him by.

"Hey love.", Daniel said walking through the door. Rox sat up in bed and glanced at the clock. 10:00 pm. Daniel walked over and kissed Rox sweetly on the forehead.

"How was your day?", Rox asked nervously, playing with her hands. Daniel smiled at her courtesy as he took off his clothes and climbed in bed. "Oh, boring. Just a lot of trial and error experiments. I wanna talk to you about something. Well somethings."

Rox immediately tensed. The last time he wanted to talk, she found out that Mila had deviously kissed him behind her back. However, she thought she would look less suspicious if she got more comfortable so she slumped down into the sheets. "Shoot".

With all the thinking he had done, Daniel hadn't thought of the right words to say, so he just came out with it. "What are we gonna do if you're pregnant?" Rox's body turned cold and she gazed down to her stomach. "I mean, it's highly possible. I've come inside you. . .a lot. . .really hard."

Rox quickly held her hand up, signaling him to stop talking before she imploded. She felt the most uncomfortable knot in her neck and couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of it all. "I. . .I don't know. If I am, I wanna have it.", she looked up at him curiously, "Do you?"

The corners of Daniel's mouth curled into the widest smile Rox had ever seen. He embraced her with a bear hug. "Yes! I know it'll be difficult with Whitaker but we can do it!", he cheered, his breath brushing against her ear. Meanwhile, Rox's mind was flooded with thoughts: death, motherhood, love, loneliness. But she only smiled as Daniel bent down and kissed her stomach.

He looked up at her. "Someone's gonna call be dad.", he laughed and continued, "You'll call me daddy and he'll call me dad."

Rox was able to laugh through it. "One, I will never call you daddy. Two, how do you know it might be a boy?"

"It's a simple law: Storm men can only make Storm men.", Daniel said proudly. "Eli and I were my father's only children. My dad only had brothers, and so on. I was thinking Zachary. Yeah, Zachary Storm."

"or Genevieve. I've always liked that name.", Rox said, relaxing into the conversation.

"Sure. Keep hope alive."

Rox waited after the moment of silence and added, "You said somethings.", putting an emphasis on the s like a snake. "Oh!", Daniel said remembering and placing his hands behind his back. "Close your eyes and stick out your hand." Rox did so and thought it would be comfortable of her to add, "If you put your cock in my hand, I'll break it." As Daniel laughed, she felt a small cold weight land in her hand. His voice closed over her ear, "My allegiance lies with you."

Rox opened her eyes and saw a small, black, metal square laying in the palm of her hand. She looked up at Daniel confused, "I don't underst- ". Daniel had ran his fingers through her hair and touched the small scar on the back of her head that she didn't even know was there. As soon as she realized what it meant, Rox lept out of the bed and ran to the only mirror they had that was in the closet. She saw herself. Her brown-eyed self.

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