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The next day, Rox was simply elated. Last night was the happiest she had ever remembered feeling. All thanks to Daniel and a little hand from herself too. She couldn't wait to do it again.

The first thing she did when she woke was get dressed and start looking for Daniel. She went on every floor and asked around but couldn't seem to find him. She was running down the hall when she say him in his pink lab coat turn the corner. "Daniel!", she called after him but he kept walking in the other direction.

When she finally caught up with him, she was out of breath. "You know we have gyms that have treadmills that you can jog on right?", he asked.

"No silly!", Rox laughed and hugged him, which actually scared him. "I was looking for you!", she continued. "I wanna try the personalized treatments. It's supposed to be more intense right? Can we do it tonight?"

He simply rejected her and kept walking. She ran in front of him again. This time she pushed him back by the chest.

"Can you stop touching me, Ms. Martin?"

"Why do you do that?"


"You're so wishy-washy. You tell me to be comfortable with you but still call me Ms. Martin when you know that isn't even my real name. You say don't touch me, but you held my hand. You encourage me to get these treatments and then say I can't have them anymore?!"

Daniel continued walking and Rox walked with him. "I'm sorry...Roxanne", he started. Even though it wasn't Rox she decided Roxanne was close enough. "It isn't my decision; it's policy. Everyone has to take durations of time between their treatments. This time, you have to take, I believe, five weeks."

"Are you insane?"

"That's just how it is. Supposed to make you strong."

"Where are we going?", Rox asked.

Daniel stopped at a door and turned to Rox. "I have to leave you here. But meet me on the 16th floor, room 8. Make sure you aren't seen or followed and that the guards don't catch you." With that, he disappeared into a room full of doctors.

During lunch, Rox saw Dr. Whitaker in the common room giving tours to some new people. It isn't all peaches and cream, Rox thought. Looking down at her food, Rox realized that the portions had gotten smaller.

At a quarter to midnight, Rox quietly left her room. She snaked through the hallways undetected and, for extra precaution, took the stairs to the sixteenth floor. She walked down the hallway and suddenly heard someone shout, "Hey!".

Rox ran as fast as she could and found room eight and started pounding on the door. It opened and Daniel was standing in front of her and he pulled her into the room.

"What happened?!", Daniel asked.

"I think someone saw me."

There was a loud banging on the door and a man's voice shouting, "Dr. Storm, open this door!"

"Max. Kinda late for a visit, don't you think?", Daniel nonchalantly greeted to guard at his door.

As the man walked in he said, "I could have sworn I saw a woman come down this hall. Turn on the light." Daniel did as he said.

The guard prowled the room looking for any sign of her, but he found nothing. Under the bed, behind doors, in the closet, but still nothing.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time Dr. Storm."

"I know.", he replied coldly.

"Dr. Whitaker is really strung out with everything that's going on. I can't let anything slip through the cracks. I mean, if you did have a woman in here, he'd explode. You know and understand our policy on sexual relations, of any kind?"

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