The Base

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Rox put the coordinates into her watch, which also acted like a compass, and for three days, they followed the directions they were given. Time and time again, they checked to make sure they were going in the right direction because they only seemed to be going further and further our into the country. By day three, both Amanda and Rox were on the verge of finding their destination and death.

Around high noon, Rox's watch beeped and turned off as it had finished giving directions and died. It had led them to a dusty plot of land that looked like it was in the middle of a large plain of nothing but grass. Amanda walked over to Rox and took the little black book in her bony hands, examining it. "That can't be it, can it?! Ugh! We came all this way for nothing! We're gonna die out here! Fuck!", she screamed and began to cry. Rox wanted to say no we're not, stop crying, but she couldn't find it in herself to lie.

Not having anywhere to go, they stood waiting for something, anything to happen. Amanda started thinking how nice it would be to die where Eli wanted them.

Suddenly, the ground started to shift and dirt fell aside to reveal a hidden stairwell. Amanda was hopeful, running to the stairs, but Rox held her back, took out her gun, and they walked into the darkness together. They were met by seven large men in army suits, with guns five times bigger than Rox's. It was a small metal room. One stepped forward from the circle of the others commanding, "Lower your weapon." Rox knew she was in no position to argue, being out-armed and outnumbered, and put her gun away.

"We're peaceful.", was the only thing she could think to say, but all the men looked at her like they didn't believe her. The man reached behind his back and threw a piece of raw, bloody, human brain at them and the girls jumped and looked at him appalled. He looked curious, then walked up to them slowly.

"Open your mouth.", he said. Reluctantly, Rox parted her lips and he shoved some type of suction device into her mouth and it took a sample of her saliva. He stepped away from her, just in case they had to shoot and he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. After a few seconds of tension and deafening silence, the device flashed green. Immediately, one of the guards snatched Rox away from Amanda and pressed her between the wall and his body. "We're both immune.", Rox mumbled, but the man went on with the test.

When Amanda's light blinked green, another guard typed in a code on a key pad and a pair of double doors slid open. A middle-aged man stood before them with open arms, smiling. You would be able to tell he was an older man, in his late 40's, but still had the physique and energy of a young person. He was in a maroon suit and was surrounded by doctors in salmon pink lab coats who began scribbling on tablets as soon as they saw Rox and Amanda.

"Welcome.", he said in a strong voice. "I am Dr. Whitaker, head facilitator of The Base, which is simply what we call this beautiful safe haven for us humans. You might be...?"

Rox realized that he was talking to her and had to reawaken herself. She was on the verge of having a full-on panic attack; she hadn't seen that many humans at once in a long time, and didn't know what to do with herself. She also lost herself looking around at The Base. It wasn't so much beautiful as it was extraordinary. Everything was made of metal: the doors, the floor, the walls. There were a few rooms and about four hallways that seemed to infinitely lead off on each floor. The floors. There were more than a hundred, looking down made Rox feel dizzy.

"Roxanne..and Amanda Martin.", Rox finally answered. He seemed disappointed by her answer and waited a moment before responding. He gave off a frustrated look, not looking either of the girls in the eye, but still barely maintaining his smile. "The Martin girls, yes. A tour, and then getting you situated into your own quarters?" He politely extended his hand to them, and Amanda and Rox started to walk down the hallway toward the elevator.

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