A / N

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Before I proceed to the last chapter of this story, I would like for y'all to know this:

—> If you see any character description changes (they're vivid, but minor) throughout the book, know that it's because I wrote this book in a staggered time slot. I pre-write all of my chapters so I can effectively publish them on a regular basis, but I wrote these past few chapters every three weeks. That's a while; I hope you guys understand! <—

—> If you notice any diction variation (meaning different and/or repetitive words come into play) throughout my book, please excuse that as well! I hope y'all understand that too. <—

I don't usually do this, but with academics being my priority at the moment, it makes it impossible to go back to previous chapters and analyze every one of them because I end up forgetting what my attitude is towards my audience, which is designed through my characters.

Regardless, I love y'all and I hope you guys have enjoyed this book so far! Thank you all so much for your support!

Now onto the last chapter~

Written with much love,
Paige (@sxdastraws ) 💕

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