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!! TW: ABUSE !!

Hinata's POV

—> Flashback <—

At the time, I was going into year five. My parents were still together, much to our community's surprise, despite my dad's abusive tendencies. I hate to even call him my father.

However, I'm still in belief that his intentions were never to hurt us— meaning my mom and I. I only say this due to the fact that whenever he wasn't doused in alcohol, he'd be a completely normal person. As a whole, he never targeted my little sister because she was just a baby; I was thankful for that.

I don't know what I would've done if he had hurt her, seeing that my mom was already hurt enough. Yes, she was both damaged physically and mentally speaking, but thankfully she's recovered from the trauma for the most part.

Although, we both will never forget the pain. For Father's Day, he'd never come home, yet I'd see all kids my age with their dads; I never understood why.

I'm genuinely surprised I never got a concussion as a kid due to how often he hit me on the head with glass, alcoholic bottles. He'd repeat how much of a disappointment I was, but I'll give him some credit— he taught me to forge a smile through the most painful times.

After that, I rarely cried. The only time I cried is the last day he hit me with those stupid glass bottles of his. It wasn't even the pain inflicted from that, but from his words instead. My mom overheard him as well, but he screamed at me and said,

"I HOPE YOU BECOME DEAF, MUTE, BLIND, OR OBTAIN ANY OTHER DREADFUL DISABILITY, YOU PIECE OF—" my mom had finally taken revenge and hit him over the head with one of his already broken glass bottles.

I was sobbing as he repeated that cursed sentence several times. My mom pleaded for me to go grab the phone and call the emergency hotline, begging to take my dad away.

I was hesitant because I was frightened he'd come back and kill me. I glanced over at him and saw the fury in his eyes, easily giving in and calling the emergency hotline.

Within ten minutes of holding him down and shunning him with glass bottles, the police arrived with their guns pointed at my dad. It was a fearful sight, but I was reassured he'd be okay.

I just wish I had a normal father.

After that day, I never saw him again. I guess it was for the betterment of my family.

Sometimes I like to think it's his fault for me becoming mute and mostly deaf, but then I realize it's truly my fault. I'm just stupid— maybe I'll unfortunately end up like him, no matter how much I don't want to.

I hope someone is able to love me for this dreadful past of mine.

—> End of Flashback <—

"Hinata—" I heard Kageyama begin to say, since he was sitting right next to me. I held my hand up to his mouth and hushed him, shaking my head.

I sign, "Don't bother to pity me, please."

I notice Kageyama looking hesitant for whatever reason, but he opens his arms out to me. I shake my head again and scoot away from him on the bench we sat on.

My eyes began to swell with tears. I think to myself,

No.. he can't see me like this! He's going to use my vulnerability to his advantage!

He doesn't truly care, does he?

I can't believe him.

My thoughts overwhelmed me and I stared at him, horrified. His eyes widened and I burst into a sprint, going in the opposite direction of where we came.

"HINATA!" I heard Kageyama scream my name, but it sounds like a whisper.

I wish I could cope with my own feelings.

What I really wanted to ask after that was,

Kageyama, do you think someone will love me due to my past and my muteness? My mostly deafness, too?

(A/N: Eek, sorry for the shorter chapter! I originally planned on making this chapter mainly a flashback, but I decided otherwise).

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