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Hinata's POV

I woke up to feeling the vibrations of my phone under one of my rather sweaty palms. I'm absolutely clueless to why I'm sweaty— maybe I had a bad dream?

I shake my head and pick up my phone, realizing that I was supposed to go to the movie theater today with Kageyama. I jump out of bed upon looking at the time displayed at my phone, mumbling, "Oh no, no, no, no.."

I quickly throw on a green t-shirt with some jeans, rushing out the door with my wallet crammed in one of my belt loops. I understand it's an odd place to put it, but I legitimately don't have any time.

I race to the movie theater and Kageyama is waiting there for me, unsurprisingly filing his nails. I never understood why he overly obsessed his hygiene, it's not like he had any girls look at him anyway.

I reach into my pocket and tear a sticky note, having Kageyama write on it. He furrowed his brows at me and wrote, "You are unusually late. Did you not wanna come today?"

I shook my head and wrote in reply, "Of course not, I would do anything to be with you!"

I realized how weird that sounded, but I guess Kageyama liked that. His face flushed red, but I was oblivious to why that was his reaction.

I grab his wrist and pull him to the ticket booth; he surprisingly doesn't resist. Once we arrived in front of the ticket booth, I opened my mouth to say something, but realized I was mute. My head drooped and I walked behind Kageyama, having him talk for me.

He gave me a sympathetic look, which was surprising coming from him. I couldn't hear what Kageyama had said to the cinema employee, but the employee easily rang up two tickets, handing them to Kageyama.

Kageyama politely bowed his head and handed me one of the tickets. I gulped, dreading seeing the movie, but continued to walk with Kageyama through the entrance of the movie theater.

Does he not realize the movie needs to have subtitles for me to understand it? I really hope he knows.

I mean, I want him to treat me like a normal human being like Oikawa does, but it's almost too normal. I wish I didn't need accommodations; I wish I wasn't mute and mostly deaf.

Kageyama's POV

What Hinata doesn't know is that the movie I selected has subtitles. Although, he looks pretty pale at the moment, so I can't help but feel concerned for him right now.

I write down on my sticky note, "Are you okay?"

He's about ready to give me a fake smile, but I saw right through it rather easily. On his sticky note, he responds with, "Not really. Does the movie have subtitles?"

My final reply on my sticky note was, "Just wait and see."

At the snacks counter, I ordered a large bucket of popcorn for the both of us to share. I handed the bucket of popcorn to him while I carried our drinks; Hinata specifically requested that he wants Fanta, so I let him have it.

We sit down in our designated seats with our popcorn and drinks. I can tell he's nervous, so I place my hand on top of his and I mumble, "It'll be okay."

I know he can lip-read basic sentences, so that's why I felt alright saying that. He smiles warmly at me and I feel my heart race, but I also can't help wondering why I feel this way around him.


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