T w e n t y - T w o

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Kageyama's POV

In this world, nothing mattered more than Shouyou. I wonder how he'll react once he hears me call him that, will he be happy? Disappointed? Will I even get to see him again?

I glance down at the sight ahead of me and I estimate that it's about five more minutes until I arrive at Rekka Avenue. I mentally force myself to run faster and to my surprise, as I pick up my speed, it works.

My breath quickens and my heart beats faster than I anticipate, but I unfortunately focus more on that instead of my footing. My face meets the cement sidewalk that awaits me and I plummet into the ground.

My nose begins to bleed and I do my best to ignore the pain that pulsed through my nose. I inhale deeply, using my legs to push me up from the sidewalk. My legs begin to shake and I sweat from the pain aching in my legs.

"Damnit!" I curse out loud, making myself clear as I slam one of my fists into the cement. "I'll never get there in time."

"It's most likely that you won't get there alone, but when you're with me, you definitely will."

I looked up to figure out who said that and recognized the facial features almost immediately. I feel chills run down my spine, tickling the anxiety already taking over my emotions.

"O-Oikawa-san?" I breathe in relief and astonishment. "H-How did you know—"

"Hitoshi." That word was Oikawa's only response. "Follow me, Tobio."

The brown haired boy yanked my arm, taking me into an alleyway with confidence. I feel him release his grasp on my wrist and jog over to a motorcycle that was casually leaning against the brick wall that enclosed the alleyway.

"O-Oikawa-san—" I got cut off once again as I heard the motorcycle start up and Oikawa tosses a helmet at my face.

"Get on, Tobio," he paused briefly to follow up his sentence with, "don't you want to see your lover?"

I couldn't resist blushing and easily gave into defeat and I hop onto the back of the motorcycle. I wrap my arms around the pretty boy's waist in order to not fall off as he revs the vehicle. Soon enough, and not to my surprise, he speeds off, veering at first, but regaining the feel for a motorcycle.

"Are you sure Shouyou won't get jealous if he sees me with you, especially like this?!" I shout while the wind blocks out most of our hearing.

Somehow, Oikawa hears me and shouts in return, "Of course not! That poor boy is in surgery, the last thing he cares about is you having your arms wrapped around me, trying not to die!"

"Fair point!" I finish our short-lived conversation, leaning my head against Oikawa's back and admiring Myagi's scenery.

Whenever Shouyou gets out of surgery, I think to myself, dreaming of us, as a couple, strolling through the city. I'm taking us shopping, especially to that lovely café over there..

The motorcycle comes to an unpleasant halt and I whip my head up from Oikawa's back in irritation. "Oi, Pretty Boy! What was that for?"

"Dumbass, it's a crosswalk," the Aoba Johsai team captain replied in annoyance. "Would you have liked for me to run those innocent civilians over?"

"Yes I—"

"Wow, you're sadistic. Anyways, it was a rhetorical question, and I hope you were joking."

"I am—"

"No time to talk, we're now five minutes away!"

The light flashed green and Oikawa revved the vehicle, skidding the tires against the pavement, speeding him and I forward to our desired destination. We zoomed past many cars who were probably envious of my snazzy ride and we went well over the speed limit.

Although, it all paid off. Oikawa and I got to the hospital three minutes earlier than our estimated time, which was in five minutes. I unlatched my arms from his waist and carefully got off the motorcycle.

I waited for the other setter to get off as well, but he shook his head. "Tobio," he looked hesitant. "I didn't drive you here to do this for myself, but I did it specifically for you."

"What? Why—"

"I'm not worth Shouyou's time. In fact, I'm not worth calling him Shouyou anymore because he has what he needs."

"What does he have?"

I notice Oikawa's chocolate brown eyes become glossier. "Tobio.. he has..

"..he has you."

He gently pushes me towards the hospital doors. "Go. Go get your man." I notice myself becoming hesitant as well when he says that. Giving into the guilt and the slightest bit of pressure, I nod and as I desperately think, begging to the front desk for Shouyou's room number,

I won't let you down, Oikawa-san.

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