"I will be fine and I'm a call away," Luca reassured. Alec squeezed Elena's hand in comfort for his wife.

"The next time I see you, I hope it won't be in a body bag," Alec consoled, trying to ease the mood. He was always the one to make someone smile.

Elena rolled her eyes at his insensitive goodbye to their only son.

He was going to sell his soul to the devil. He was giving them the Don of the Italian Mafia up without a cost that they knew of.

Of course, they were worried.

But Luca just smirked at his father.

They all knew that if anyone were to survive the clutches of the King, it would be Luca. He was the number one rival and competitor of the King for a reason. He was the boss of the mafia that had yet to submit to the King and many admired that.

Others found it to be a death wish.

"Me too. If all goes well, I'll be back in a few months or so," he shrugged, showing not an ounce of worry. Like he was taught.

Thea zoned out at the thought of the King.

Hopefully, hopefully -Luca wouldn't find out what happened a year ago.

And hopefully, Luca wouldn't try to take over the King's mafia. Otherwise, it would be up to her to fix things between the Italians and the King. Even if she wasn't allowed to work in the family business, per the orders of her brother.

Luca never allowed his only sibling and little sister to be involved with the danger that came with being involved in his life ever since the incident 9 years ago...

The incident that had all left them scarred, bloody, broken, and...afraid. The incident discreetly carved Thea Andrea Black into an angel of death.

"I'll call when I land," Luca mumbled as he turned around and retreated to the jet.

He walked up the steps and found his place on a plush leather seat that was just as expensive as his glass of scotch and Zegna suit.

They were heading to the King's main bases and command center. A place where the King's left hand did most of his business beside the right hand. The mysterious right-hand moves all around the world, and taking care of "business" is the only reasonable way.

The most brutal way.

The right hand fought each night under the watch of only the most trusted members. He assassinates anyone "in the way" of the King in an inclusive arena no matter what part of the world he was in.

The blood baths in the arena were known as the most common to die by the King but that didn't make it more merciful than the other killing methods. To put it simply, they were like a trial of sorts; except no jury or lawyers were fighting for justice. There was only a judge: The Right Hand. 

The fights were known to be legendary in all slants.

Everywhere around the world, prisoners fought other prisoners for a chance at freedom. It was a fight to the death. A competition to satisfy their thirst for freedom. A fight for survival. 

Or so they thought.

When there was a winner, that prisoner was sent to where the most notorious and largest killing took place. It was also the place where the famous left-hand resided and took care of his end of "business."

New York.

In that arena in New York, the right hand would be there to greet them and give them their freedom but not in the way they thought.

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