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"Y'know Bdubs…… We could rule this world, side by side"

"But you're just the mayor…….."

"That's why I have a plan to take over." Scar stood boldly at the rail on the town hall balcony. "We'd get rid of all their little shops and take their diamonds. Make them weak…."

"A-are you sure about this?"

"Very sure, my dear. We will execute this plan as soon as we have the resources. But if you are to tell anyone, you and them will be beheaded as soon as I find out………. Got it?"

"Yes………" Bdubs nodded. I've got to stop him. I don't want my friends getting hurt. He thought.

"We should get rid of my main competitors, Mumbo, False, and Stress. They had strong campaigns for the mayoral races. I bet they'd be even stronger when we try to take over………." Scar turned to his partner.

"I could get resources from my base…….. I have plenty!

"What a splendid idea, B. Why don't you go do that."

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