chapter 1-changing schools

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"Okumura! How would you defend against a coal sprite?"
"Uhmmmm, you drown them?"  Rin said, unsure.
'Shit,' he thought, as he realised he had zoned out for the entire lesson
the class snickered, except Suguro, who just gave him a withering look and went back toohis work. Rin's face turned a bright red and he sheepishly slid down his seat,attempting to make himself as small as possible.

"Rin, if you want to become an exorcist, you need to actually be awake during the lesson. honestly what am I going to do with you," Yukio sighed, before dismissing the class.
Rin grumbled, he couldn't help that he was constantly being chased by demons that seemed hellbent on ruining his sleep schedule!

Being the son of Satan is harder than you'd think....

Meanwhile, in Musutafu....

"maybe you should just take a swan dive off the roof, with any luck you'll be born with a quirk in your next life!" the words echoed inside his head, over and over. Kacchan was just joking, right? Kacchan was amazing! He wouldn't really mean that.
Still, he wasn't wrong persay. Life as it was now was unbearable, but izuku couldn't let that get him down! He was going to become a hero- a great one at that and make his mother proud!
Also because he wanted to spite everyone who had ever looked down on him.
Spite is a great motivator ok!

He trudged home from school, but as he was heading under the underpass, a huge villain snuck up behind him.
The smell luckily alerted him to the slime monster's presence, but it was too late and he was suddenly wrapped in its foul goo.
"mmf! Agh!" he choked on the slime, kicking his legs in vain. Izuku's lungs strained to get enough oxygen, but to no avail and the edges of his vision started to fade to black.

A loud noise, and a flash of light shocked Izuku back to consciousness, he groaned, confused as to why he was no longer trapped. Stumbling onto his feet, he steadied himself on the stone wall of the underpass and noticed that the villain was gone, but in its place stood
All might smiled at the young boy's antics
"Hello young one! The villain is subdued! You are free to go home!"
Somehow managing to calm himself out of his embarrassing fan boy state, izuku quickly got his notebook out of his back pack
"Excuse me mr all might sir- could you sign my note book?
"Of course young-?"
"Of course, young midoriya! You were very brave! However, i must go now, people to save and all that."
He got ready to head off, and Izuku panickee- he had a really important question to ask. So, as all mentally sane teen would do, he grabbed his idol's leg as said idol jumped miles above the ground.

All might blanched, stumbling onto the roof of a building as izuku tried not to throw up.
"Young man that was incredibly irresponsible!"
Tears formed in izuku's eyes
"I'm really sorry but i had to ask, could a quirkless person become a hero? Be like you?" hope grew in izuku's heart- if all might believed in him then he could accomplish anything!

The hero paused, thinking.
"No, a quirkless person just wouldn't have the strength nescaccery and would hinder the jobs of others. Maybe be more realistic, like a doctor or a fireman."

He couldn't be a hero?
Izuku looked down at his shoes, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. The one person who he looked up to most, didn't even think he could be a hero.
A violent coughing noise madd izuku snap his head up- and instead of all mights muscular form stood a skeleton with blond hair.
"Ahh?! Who are you? Where's all might?!"
"I, am all might."
What. The. Fuck.
All might, or Toshinori explained to izuku about a fight against a supervillain, that had left him severely injured and thst he could only do about 3 hours of hero work per day.
Izuku was shocked and his mouth gaped like a fish.
"Sorry kid. They do say never meet your idols." and with that, he powered up again and jumped off, leaving izuku alone.
[Blah blah blah, katsuki gets attacked, izuku runs to help ect ect]

All might approached him, for the second time that day- still in his skinny form.
Izuku chewed on his lip, was his idol about to tell him off as well?
"Young midoriya, i am truly sorry. I let my bias speak earlier and that was wrong. You have the heart of a true hero my boy.
Whilst it would be amazing to have a quirkless hero, i believe i have found my successor in you.
Will you inherit my quirk? "
Izuku stood still, gobsmacked.
All might wanted him to inherit his quirk?
"Yes! This is an honour sir!" izuku bowed, somewhat aggressively, tears of joy forming in his eyes.
He could be a hero!


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