Chapter 8 - Consequences Of Hugging

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Morgana had fully recovered from Edwins attack. Three days have passed since the Prince and Princess have found out that they are actually half siblings. Edwin has ran off and disappeared somewhere. Of course there is the chance that we will encounter him again sometime in the future.

Arthur has began to subconsciously grab my hand or my arm and pull me towards him. In some cases his fingers play will randomly begin to with my hair as we stand beside each other. Something that the others have began to notice as well especially after his arm started to wrap around my waist when he gets the chance.

We were in the throne room, Uther was on his fancy seat and the nobels were bitching again. Lancelot and Sir Ewan were standing with us. I was sitting beside Arthur with my chin on my hand as I began to fall asleep. It was so boring.

"And you don't care as she rests her head upon your sons shoulder? This common servent?" I hear one of the nobles snap through my haze of drowsiness.

That's when I feel a heavy arm around my shoulders and subconsciously I snuggle into it. An arm tightens around me for a fraction of a second and moves me into a sleeping position without thought a sigh of happiness escapes my lips.

"Or his arm around her shoulder, sire." Another one hisses.

Then an added. "And her head in his lap."

"Shh. I tryna sleep." I whisper as I feel fingers glide through my hair as the feeling of comfort lolls me back into a comfortable nap.


"Considering that it's MY choice.. No. My Father should not care." Arthur's voice rings out swiftly and his voice is hard while he glares at the occupants in the room.

Uther clears his throats and after looking at his soon thoughtfully he glances at the nobles. "The girl is pleasant, albeit a little— different. But there is no harm in her.."

"Except that she keeps claiming to be a witch." One of the nobles says as he stands up with a sneer on his face before his eyes drift to the young woman napping in Arthur's lap. "Perhaps she should be ... given a test?"

"She will not." Arthur snarls out before his father gets the chance to say anything, his glare lands on each noble and even his father. "None of you will touch her."

"How do we know that the Prince isn't .. under a spell." Another noble asks poshly as he takes a drink from his goblet and then glances at the king with a raised eyebrow.

Uther sighs and hold back an eye-roll. Since when does he roll eyes at his subjects? Oh yes, since they have started accusing the huggable lady who seems to have gained his only sons undivided attention. Though, she is a bit odd, but if she meant them harm then she would have killed them by now. Not to mention the girl is sort of like how he imagines happiness, like when his wife had been alive.

"She is not." Both father and son say sharply, their words like steel.

King Uther places his hand up abruptly, causing Arthur to go silent except for his glare. The king looks at his noble subjects calculating them carefully, he knows that part of why they're so angry at this is because of someone of peasant blood became one of the knights.

"That lady." Uther says with a jab at the self-proclaimed witch. (Really, if she was one she would've been horrible at it he's sure. She is to.. sweet.) "is under the protection of the Pendragon family."

The nobles at the table sit up stiffer and glare at them before grumbling under their breathe and then continue drinking. Arthur's eyes are narrowed at them suspiciously as he unconsciously grips the young woman in his arms tighter for a brief moment. No one will take her from him, not an enemy, not the nobles and most definitely not his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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