Chapter 5 - That Chalice Thinger

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After feeding the children who needed it I was sitting outside in the courtyard, running my fingers through the dirt as I did so. That's when I notice Arthur rushing towards me, he seems to be quite irritated actually.

He grabs my arms and pulls me up to stand. I look up at him and as I'm about to ask what his deal is he speaks over me. "We need to be in the Throne Room, now."

"Why?" I ask him curiously as he leads me back into the castle, his hand is wrapped around my upper bicep, however his hand was gentle.

He lets out a resigned sigh as he glances down at me, "Lord Bayard of Mercia is here, he's supposed to sign a treaty with my father."

"Oh" I reply with a hum as I look back up at him curiously, "are we late?"

"Well, I wasn't. You are though, my father wants to see you." Arthur grumbles as we walk down the halls, passing by curious servants as we do.

When we finally get to the throne room I see a young woman and an older man that's dressed all king like. Uther sits upon his throne and I really really wish he was Giles, he's like a huggable father. Now, Uther on the other hand? He's not very fatherly, I'll have to fix that I guess.

"Ahh, there's your Maidservant. You shouldn't be losing her son." Uther says with a frown as he stands up and walks towards us, his hands behind his back.

"Was there something that you wanted from me, Sire?" I ask him curiously as Arthur let's go of my arm.

Uther smiles at us happily and goes to stand before his son, "There will be a Treaty signed today!"

That's what I needed to be dragged in for?

"That's . .good? I mean it's definitely not a bad thing." I say with a small smile as I decide to suddenly hug him, causing the whole room to take a gasping breath in surprise as I cheerfully pull away from him.

With a bright smile on my face I pump my fist in the air. "Go you!"

Then I notice that Uther and the rest of the people in the throne room are just gaping at me in surprise. I see William off to the side facepalming as Gwen hides a chuckle in her hand. Morgana is looking at me curiously as a smile twitches on her face and the guards look kind of like they're going to have a heart attack.

Sir Ewan looks like he's going to die though, who knew he worried so much?

I feel Arthur's hand on my shoulder as I pout and look at the king, feeling a bit put out as I ask, "Was it not a good hug?"

Uther clears his throat looking perplexed, "it.. uh,"

"Nice." Morgana says as she smiles tightly at me, looks at him carefully and then at Arthur before she stares at the king again. "I'm sure you got a lovely hug, right King Uther?"

The king clears his throat again and nods, looking completely unsure about how he feels about that. I can't exactly blame him, it was unexpected and sometimes I just can't control my impulses when it comes to hugs or hitting people.

"Yes, uh, it was splendid of course. Doesn't your maidservent have duties to complete Arthur?"

Then the King turns away awkwardly as Arthur leads me out of the throne room, his grip is a bit tighter now as it moves to my upper arm. I can practically hear him grinding his teeth right now, goodness, that's not very good for his teeth.

Arthur quickly takes me towards the The Physicians Quarters until we're in front of the door. "What were you thinking?" He asks me, irritation and anger seeping into his voice.

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