Chapter 6 - The Knighted Knight

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When I got done feeding the children Gaius sent me to gather ingredients in the Forest. Carefully I try to remember what all of the ingredients are supposed to look like as I frown at the flowers and the mushroom at the other side of the forest. Which one was I suppose to be picking again? I should've paid more attention when my uncle was talking to me I guess.

That's when I hear screeching behind me, turning quickly I see a gigantic bird.

"Fuck" I mutter lowly as I quickly move out of the way of the oncoming strike from said terrible birdy.

Turning to face said bird I point at it angrily before snapping at it "That is so rude."

It goes to attack me again and I let out a small shriek as I roll onto my knees and then my side out of the way. Getting up quickly I move my hand to attack it with my magic when I hear a yell and see— Lancelot, he is a fine looking man though. He pulls me up by my bicep then.

"Run." He says simply as he continues pulling me behind him as we run quickly while trying to outrun the giant bird.

When it goes to attack us I blast it back with a jolt as I stretch my arm out. Lance almost freezes in place then but I begin pushing him along in front of me until we find ourselves hiding behind a tree.

I let out a breathe before glancing at the un-knighted knight. "You okay there Lance?"

"You're a witch!" He exclaims, his eyes wide with something between shock and awe.

"No, am I really?" I ask him sarcastically with a huff as I cross my arms over my chest and then I pout.

Then he nods and adds. "And you saved me. But how do you know my name? I haven't given it to you yet."

Looking at him carefully I shrug and grab his sleeve gently to lead him to Camelot  "Trust me, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Try me. Where are we going?"

"Camelot. You were on a TV show in my last life, in which case you acted as a character named Lancelot who always wanted to be a knight since he was a child."

He stops walking then, holding onto his sleeve I stop to and turn towards him. His eyes are wide in shock as he looks at me before whispering to me. "How could you possibly know that?"

I bit my lip nervously then before continuing to lead him. Honestly, I'm surprised that he is still following me right now. "TV show. William will like you I think. You two could be friends, he has a love hate thing going on with Morgana and all that."

The rest of the walk from the forest was silent but he continued to follow me to my Uncles room/home house thing anyways. After he walks in behind me I let go of his sleeve and then he awkwardly sits down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"I don't really need to stay here." He starts politely. "I can just find another place, it is very kind of you to offer but.."

"No." I say as I shake my head, placing my hand up to stop his mumbling. "My uncle will like you too I think. Then I will work on making sure that you are successfully placed into knighthood — even if I have to blackmail the damn King himself to do it."

"That's not" he begins to say when a very frustrated William walks into the room.

"Damn that blasted woman." Will mumbles under his breathe before he sees me and then Lance. With a frown he turns back to me "Merlyn, who is he? Are you bring home strangers again? That's not safe, how many times do I have to- "

"He's Lance." I state happily as I smile brightly at my best friend and clasp my hands together innocently "I'm going to get him knighted."

William snorts and runs his hands through his hair before he begins mumbling again. "Of course you are. Damn women and their.."

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